Participation in AGERS 2022 is open to all individuals interested in or working in the fields of Aerospace & Electronics systems and Geoscience & remote sensing including related on the interaction of Land, Ocean, and Atmosphere. This aims to provide a forum for academics, scholars, and practitioners to exchange ideas and to discuss recent developments and global research trends in the field of geoscience, electronics, and remote sensing technology with some areas of interest such as land, ocean, atmosphere, disaster mitigation, etc. Papers received by the deadline will be considered for program placement under the standard peer-review process. Late Papers cannot be accepted due to a large number of submissions and a short review schedule. The AGERS 2022 Technical Program Committee will organize all accepted papers into either oral or interactive poster sessions based on their potential contribution to the conference and the composition of high-quality sessions.
Please note the following important notes regarding the distribution of AGERS 2022 papers and proceedings:
Submission of a full proceedings paper (minimum 4-pages, IEEE format) is mandatory. The IEEE MS Word letter template is available here to download. We strongly recommend the authors use these templates. If you choose not to use them, please make sure your paper strictly follows the formatting instructions. Please submit your paper after converting it to pdf format to the related track link below.
Accepted and presented papers will be submitted for inclusion to the IEEE Xplore® digital library, which is submitted for indexed by SCOPUS, EI Compendex, ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index, and major databases. Only papers presented at the conference will be included in the official electronic proceedings of AGERS 2022. Papers submitted, but not presented, will not be published in the official proceedings and in IEEE Xplore®. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference, including IEEE Xplore® Digital Library if the paper is not presented by the author at the conference
Since the IEEE Xplore® system publications where there are increasing deep checks for plagiarism, all material without a cited source must be your original work, both text, and illustrations. Acts of plagiarism will be pursued with the IEEE. These matters are taken very seriously, and the IEEE will take action against any author who engages in either practice. Follow these links to learn more about IEEE Policy on Plagiarism and IEEE Policy on Double Submission
Electronic media containing all AGERS 2022 full proceedings papers will be distributed to all registered attendees at the conference.
During the initial paper submission process via EDAS, the authors are required to make sure the pdf file and EDAS registration page of a paper have the same list of authors and the paper title. Be certain to add all authors in EDAS during the submission process. Failure to comply with this rule and your paper may be withdrawn from the review process. Once reviewed the listing of authors connected to the paper can NOT be changed in the final manuscript.
For an author with multiple accepted papers, one full registration is valid for 1 paper with a discounted rate for multiple paper submissions.
Authors MUST submit their papers electronically using EDAS. The submission process involves the following three steps:
Step One: Creation of a personal account on EDAS (if the author does not already have one) at
Step Two: Submit your paper using the following EDAS Submission Links: and choose one of the tracks below related to your paper:
General Geoscience (SC01),
General Remote Sensing (SC02),
Ocean and Maritime Science (SC03),
Sensor and platform (SC04),
Hazards modeling (SC05),
Social economic sciences and policy (SC06),
Technology policy (SC07) and
Other related topics (SC08)
Step Three: Upload the paper in pdf format. Minimum 4 pages for review. The maximum length of the final manuscript is Twelve (12) pages.
Note: Be certain to provide information for ALL AUTHORS including affiliation and country when you register the manuscript. Authors cannot be added after the paper is reviewed.
Paper Topics
*Additional steps below for Accepted Final Manuscript ONLY:
Please note that all Final Accepted manuscript ONLY is strictly required to be converted using PDFexpress and certified by the IEEE PDFeXpress in accordance with the IEEE PDF specification. (This is not applied to Review Manuscript)
Go to PDFeXpress® website (, and:
Create an IEEE PDFeXpress® account, entering basic contact information; gets confirmation of account creation email.
The conference ID for pdfeXpress will be informed ONLY to the author of the Accepted Paper in the notification email.
Be certain to apply all IEEE formatting/styling and additional changes/modifications requested by Reviewers, or your paper will be rejected as a final manuscript.
Upload a PDF for Checking or source file(s) for Conversion; get an email confirmation of file receipt.
Submitted PDFs are Checked for IEEE Xplore®-compatibility; source file(s) are Converted to IEEE Xplore-compatible PDFs.
If a PDF is submitted: you will receive an email stating that PDF Passed or Failed, the Check. If the PDF fails, a PDF Check report is attached to the email. The author goes to the account and clicks “Understanding the PDF Check Report” for solutions.
If the source is submitted: you will receive the IEEE PDFeXpress®-generated PDF as an attachment and through your IEEE PDFeXpress® account. Review PDF to ensure that it views on screen and prints as you intended.
If necessary, revisions may be submitted (PDF or source); return to Step 4.
Make sure that there are no grammatical, spelling, or content errors in articles prior to submitting them to PDFeXpress.
When you have an acceptable IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF, submit this final PDF to the conference by clicking Approve button. Before that, submit the electronic copyright form by clicking the Copyright link.
The file returned by the PDF check will be labeled within its document properties as being “Certified by IEEE PDF eXpress” with an exact date and time stamp. The certified file is the file that you should submit at EDAS.
Video Presentation
Please send your video presentation maximum of 10 minutes in *mp4 format before 15 December 2022 through our email [email protected] by subject [Paper Number] _Name. Paper Number is 10-digit number start with 1570……
For more detail or questions, please feel free to email us at [email protected], or for pdf express related questions please visit here