Time Details
08:00 – 09:00 Registration

Opening Ceremony

09:00 – 10:20

- - Program Outlining. MC: Wiske C. Rotinsulu, SP., MES., Ph.D

- - Indonesia National Anthem

- - Report Organizing Committee IEEE AGERS 2024 : Muhammad Iqbal Habibie,S.Kom, M.T., Ph.D

- - Remark by IEEE AESS-GRSS: Dr. Arifin Nugroho

- - Remark by IEEE OES-TEMS : Dr. Endang Widjiati

- - Welcome Speech by IEEE Indonesia Section: Prof. Ir. Gamantyo Hendrantoro, M.Eng, Ph.D

- - Opening ceremony and keynote address by the Vice Rector of Sam Ratulangi University : Dr. Ir. Arthur Pinaria, MP

- - Video Clip Opening IEEE AGERS 2024

- - Photo Session

Plenary 1

10:20 –11:20

Innovative Trends in Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resource Management

(Moderator: Dr. Sandra Pakasi)

1. Prof. Luqman Chuah Abdullah, University Putra Malaysia. Topic: Malaysia’s Policy and Innovation Technology in Biodiversity Conservation

2. Prof. Fareena Ruzaik, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Topic: Sustainable Management of Natural Resouces: Focus on Forest Resources Management

3. Dr. Ilham Alimuddin, University Hasanuddin, Indonesia. Topic: Disaster Mapping and Management Using Satellite Images and GIS

11:20 – 14:00

Lunch and exhibition

14:00 – 17:00

Breakout room 1: D1S1 SC-01 (Remote Sensing and Environmental Issue) Moderator : Prof. Lalu Muhammad Jaelani. Paper number: 1571090370, 1571099304, 1571097744, 1571098103, 1571098107, 1571098110, 1571097461

14:00 – 17:00

Breakout room 2: D1S2 SC-04 (Sensor and Platform). Moderator : Sandra Pakasi UNSRAT. Paper number: 1571099779, 1571098084, 1571093668, 1571099237, 1571098800, 1571097970, 1571093655, 1571098910

14:00 – 17:00

Breakout room 3: D1S3 SC-02 (GIS and City). Moderator: Dr. Arifin Nugroho. Paper number: 1571094216, 1571092425, 1571098302, 1571097042, 1571098289, 1571099176, 1571096435

14:00 – 17:00

Breakout room 4: D1S4 SC-01 (General Geoscience). Moderator : Dr. Soni Darmawan / Dr. Bangun Muljo Sukojo. Paper number: 1571099296, 1571098305, 1571098306, 1571097996, 1571099244, 1571098357, 1571097918

14:00 – 16:00

Breakout room 5. Moderator : Muhammad Iqbal Habibie. Topic: Open Source Technology Stack for Industrial Internet of Things by Ajang Rahmat, S.Kom (Kelas Robot)

14:00 – 16:00

Breakout room 6. Moderator: Dipl-ing Oni Bibin Bintoro, MS MBA. Topic: Cybersecurity Principles for the Digital and Remote Sensing Era by Dr. Ir. Kuntjoro Pinardi, M.Sc (Vice Rector Institut Sains dan Teknologi Nasional)


Time Details

Plenary 2

08:30 –10:00

Global Challenges in Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resource Management

(Moderator: Dipl-ing Oni Bibin Bintoro, MS MBA. )

1. Misita Anwar Ph.D. Swinburne University, Australia. Topic: Data driven and algorithmic technology for sustainability: an ethical design perspective

2. Tamer Saleh, Ph.D. Wuhan University, China. Topic: Intelligent Assessment of Damage from Natural and Man-Made Disasters Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data

3. Dr. Takeo Ito. Nagoya University, Japan. Topic: Estimation of Crustal Deformation Structure in Southwest Japan Using Inelastic Deformation Inversion

4. Wiske C. Rotinsulu, SP., MES., Ph.D, University Sam Ratulangi, Indonesia. Topic: Spatial Mapping of Paddy Fields in South Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Using GIS and Remote Sensing Data

10:00 – 10:30 Coffee break and exhibition
10:30 – 13:00

Breakout room 1: D2S1 SC-03 (Ocean and Atmosphere Applications). Moderator : Dr. Agustan. Paper number: 1571098917, 1571091881, 1571099274, 1571099305, 1571097901, 1571092074, 1571094525

10:30 – 13:00

Breakout room 2: D2S2 SC-08 (Image Processing and Algorithm Development). Moderator : Dr. Wahyudi Hasbi. Paper number: 1571093472, 1571097892, 1571098362, 1571097613, 1571098330, 1571099803, 1571099785, 1571098327

10:30 – 13:00

Breakout room 3: D2S3 SC-04 (Geoscience and Hazard Modeling). Moderator : Dr. Reni Sulistyowati. Paper number: 1571097889, 1571099030, 1571098311, 1571097480, 1571097950, 1571098344, 1571099263

10:30 – 13:00

Breakout room 4: D2S4 SC-05 (Sensor and Platform 2).Moderator : Dr. Arifin Nugroho. Paper number: 1571098660, 1571098598, 1571097705, 1571090441, 1571099273, 1571098124, 1571088689, 1571098906

10:30 – 12:30

Main room. Moderator : Dr. Sandra Pakasi. Topic: Tutorial Java by Dr. Lofi Dewanto (DEVK Versicherungen, Cologne, Germany).

10:30 – 12:30

Breakout room 5. Moderator : Dr. Wiske Rotinsulu. Topic: Artificial Intelligence for mangrove mapping and monitoring using Remote Sensing Imagery and Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) Algorithm with Python by Ilham Jamaluddin,S.Si, M.Sc(Geosoftware, Indonesia).

12:30 – 14:00

Lunch and exhibition

14:00 – 15:00

Closing and Announcement