Design and Planning a Successful Academic Event (DPSAE2020)
University of the Ryukyus
Okinawa, Japan
A Technical Orientation Program on: Design and Planning a Successful Academic Event (DPSAE 2020)
Sustainable Energy and Intelligent Engineering Society-SEIES (PES & FRID Fukuoka Joint Chapter) held a joint technical and managerial orientation program on 30 May 2020 to practically learn and practice planning an international conference. This event establishes a brainstorming session along with a pre-defined agenda. The scope of this event is to finalize the concept of SEIES’s upcoming conference, which will be held by the end of 2020 in Tokyo (postponed due to COVID-19).
The upcoming conference “The 1st International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Intelligent Engineering (SEIE 2021)” proposal will be finalized through various expert discussions and dialogue that will explore the most viable options. Attendees will learn and enhance their knowledge and skill of event planning from initiation to closure all in one package. As a result, the conference proposal will be finalized to be submitted to IEEE for review. Therefore, this would be a good opportunity for students and early-career to attend the event.
The SEIE 2020 will be organized by several academic institutions in close collaboration with several national and international organizations.
Presentation Title: An eminent design and managing framework for delivering a successful conference in the 21st Century: Requirements and constraints
Danish M.
Assistant Professor Mir Sayed Shah Danish (Dr. Eng., MBA, CEng., SMIEEE, MIET) has been an engineering and technology expert and an academician for several years. Read more …
Dr. Mir Sayed Shah Danish
University of the Ryukyus