峰会背景 Background
2020 IEEE WIE BLS是由IEEE WIE北京分会、IEEE中国联合会、IEEE中国代表处、中国图象图形学学会女科技工作者委员会、IEEE PES WIP中国委员会联合主办的第二届大会。本次大会在疫情肆意的2020年举办,采取了线上交流并通过视频直播的形式,连线全球范围内的多位杰出领袖、专家和学者,共同探讨国内外疫情当下的技术热点、科技与金融困局,全球化环境下的国际竞争与合作机会等多元化和包容性的领导力话题,为参会者带来一场技术与领导力话题火花碰撞的盛宴。
IEEE WIE北京分会是中国最大的科技女性专业组织之一,致力于推广女性工程师和科学家,激发年轻女性投身科学研究和工程事业。作为具有悠久灿烂文明的开放的国家,中国女性在科研中承担了越来越重要的角色。坐落于首都北京,中国的文化和科技中心,北京分会已经成为科技女性交流的重要平台。
2020 IEEE WIE BLS is the second summit jointly organized by the IEEE WIE Beijing Affinity Group, IEEE China Council, IEEE China Office, WiCSIG (Women in China Society of Image and Graphics Committee), UCAS WIE SB AG, and IEEE PES WIP China Committee. It will adopts online communication and connected a number of outstanding leaders, experts and scholars around the world in the form of live video to jointly discuss diversified and inclusive leadership topics such as the current technical hot spots, scientific, technological and financial difficulties of the pandemic situation at home and abroad, international competition and cooperation opportunities in the context of globalization, bring a feast of spark collision between technology and leadership topics to the participants .
IEEE WIE is a global network of IEEE members and volunteers. It is the world’s largest organization of scientific and technological professionals aimed at promoting professional women’s participation in the field of Engineering Science. As an open country with a long and splendid civilization, Chinese women have assumed a more and more important role in scientific research. IEEE WIE Beijing Affinity Group located in the capital Beijing, China’s cultural and scientific and technological center, which has become an important platform for scientific and technological women’s exchange.
峰会主题 Theme
- 后疫情时代的智能产业转型与升级
- 全球女性科技创新与协作新趋势
- 女性领导力发展与经验分享
- STEM教育与未来领导力(面向青少年)
The main topics of this summit include but not limited to:
- Research & Innovation Challenge during Covid-19/post Covid-19
- Worldwide Research & Collaboration Opportunities for WIE
- Leadership Development for WIE/She-power Sharing;
- Future Leadership and STEM (focus on Teenagers)
大会嘉宾 Keynote Speaker
福田敏男 Toshio Fukuda 闻映红 Yinghong Wen 林咏华 Yonghua Lin 董晶 Jing Dong Simay Akar 唐文洁 Jill Tang Norliza M. Noor Celia Shahnaz Supavadee Aramvith ChunChe“Lance”Fung Emi Yano 方昱春 Yuchun Fang 贾敏 Min Jia 鲁平 Ping Lu 雷柏英 Boying Lei Jessica Bian 吴旻 Min Wu 杨静 Jing Yang 高琳 Lin Gao 潘秋菱 Qiuling Pan 黄莹 Ying Huang 刘艳丽 Yanli Liu Paulina Chan 乔红 Hong Qiao Takako Hashimoto 孙小梅 Xiaomei Sun 王鹏 Patricia Wang
会议日程 Agenda
第一天 (2020年9月18日) September 18, 2020
13:30-14:00 | 开幕和欢迎致辞 Opening and Welcome | 闻映红,IEEE中国联合会主席,Yinghong Wen,IEEE China Council Chair 林咏华,IEEE女工程师协会北京分会主席,Yonghua Lin, IEEE WIE Beijing AG Chair Deepak Mathur,IEEE R10(Asia-Pacific)Director,2021-2022 |
14:00-14:20 | IEEE President’s Remarks | 福田敏男,IEEE 2020主席,中科院外籍院士,Toshio Fukuda,IEEE 2020 President |
14:20-14:40 | Keynote Speech | Simay Akar,IEEE R8 WIE Coordinator 2015,IEEE WIE土耳其分会2020主席 |
14:40-15:00 | Tech Has No Gender | 唐文洁,Ladis Who Tech创始人,Jill Tang,Co-Founder, Ladies Who Tech |
15:00-16:00 | 论坛1 Forum1: Research&Innovation Challenge during Covid-19 | Norliza M. Noor,马来西亚理工大学Razak技术与信息学学院教授 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Celia Shahnaz,孟加拉国工程技术大学电气与电子工程系教授 Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Supavadee Aramvith,朱拉隆功大学电气工程系副教授 Chulalongkorn University, Thailand ChunChe“Lance”Fung,澳大利亚默多克大学信息技术、数学与统计学科名誉教授 Murdoch University, Australia |
16:00-17:00 | 论坛2 Forum2: Leadership Development for WIE/She-power Sharing | Emi Yano,2019-2020 IEEE女工程协会第10区主席 2019-2020 IEEE R10 Women in Engineering Committee Chair 方昱春,上海分会WIE AG主席,上海大学,Yuchun Fang,IEEE WIE AG Chair,Shanghai Section,Shanghai Univ. 贾敏,哈尔滨分会WIE AG主席,哈尔滨工业大学,Min Jia, IEEE WIE AG Chair,Harbin Section,HIT 鲁平,武汉分会WIE AG主席,华中科技大学,Ping Lu, IEEE WIE AG Chair, Wuhan Section,Huazhong Technology University 雷柏英,广州分会WIE AG主席,深圳大学,Boying Lei, IEEE WIE AG Chair,Guangzhou Section,Shenzhen University |
17:00-17:30 | 第一轮抽奖 Lucky Draw | 董晶,IEEE R10 HAC Chair, IEEE女工程师协会北京分会副主席, Jing Dong, Institute of Automation, CAS, IEEE R10 HAC Chair,IEEE WIE Beijing AG Group Vice Chair |
第二天 (2020年9月19日) September 19, 2020
8:30-9:00 | 欢迎致辞 Opening and Welcome | Akinori Nishihara,IEEE 2020 R10主席,IEEE 2020 R10 President 冯丽爽,IEEE北京分会WIE执委会主席,Lishuang Feng,IEEE Beijing Section WIE Coordinator 李若梅,IEEE PES WIP主席,Ruomei Li,IEEE PES WIP Chair 华宁,IEEE亚太区高级业务总监,Ning Hua, Senior Director, IEEE Asia Operations |
9:00-9:20 | It’s a Beautiful Time! – Women in Engineering(WIE) -Platform for Preparing Future Leaders | Jessica Bian,IEEE电力与能源协会主席(2022-2023),IEEE PES President(2022-2023) |
9:20-9:40 | Keynote Speech | 吴旻,马里兰大学工程副院长,Min Wu,IEEE Signal Processing Society VP |
9:40-10:00 | 起航[AI方舟] 探索智能云世界 Set, Sail the Art of AI, Explore the World of Intelligent Cloud | 杨静,新智元创始人&CEO,Jing Yang,AI Era Founder &CEO |
10:00-10:20 | 用故事提升职场说服力 The Power of Storytelling | 高琳,有意思教练创始人,《故事力》作者,Lin Gao, MessageCoach CEO, Writer |
10:20-10:40 | 加强开放多元的学术环境 Strengthening an Open and Diverse Academic Environment | 潘秋菱,华为战略部学术组织系统部部长,Qiuling Pan,Director of Huawei BG |
10:40-11:00 | 做新时代科技工作者 巾帼献力直流发展 New Era Scientific and Technical Women, Contributing to HVDC Technologies | 黄莹,中国南方电网,Ying Huang,China Southern Grid |
11:00-11:30 | 第二轮抽奖 Lucky Draw | |
11:30-13:00 | 午休 Break | |
13:00-15:00 | 论坛3 后疫情时代的女性领导力提升 Forum3: Women Leadership during Post Covid-19 era | 主持人:刘艳丽,天津大学电气自动化与信息工程学院副教授,IEEE PES WIP中国区副秘书长,Yanli Liu,Tianjin University, Deputy Secretary-general of PES WIP |
15:00-16:00 | 论坛4 全球多元文化交流 Forum4: Diversity of Globe | Paulina Chan,IEEE香港分会主席(2021),IEEE HongKong Section Chair(2021) 乔红,IEEE Fellow,中科院自动化所研究员,Hong Qiao,IEEE Fellow,Institute of Automation,Chinese Academy of Sciences Takako Hashimoto,IEEE MGA会员发展委员会主席,日本千叶商学院副院长,Chiar,IEEE MGA Membership Recruitment and Recovery Committee 2019-2020 |
16:00-17:00 | 论坛5 STEM教育交流(特邀10-18岁学生参与) Forum5: STEM Education for Next-Generation Leadership | 孙小梅,“英语原著悦读”公益活动发起者,Xiaomei Sun,Founder,English Reading Public Welfare Activities 主持人:王鹏,英特尔中国研究院副院长,智能系统研究部、战略合作部总监,Patricia Wang,VP, Intel China Lab |
17:00-17:30 | 颁奖和闭幕式 Award and Closing | 林咏华,IEEE女工程师协会北京分会主席,Yonghua Lin, IEEE WIE Beijing AG Chair |
媒体报道 News Release
DOIT:《世界因“她”而变 – IEEE北京女性领导力峰会召开》,https://www.doit.com.cn/p/382909.html
茶纹云:《世界因“她”而变 – IEEE北京女性领导力峰会召开》,https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/OrY-gJ36K3ZQaUkShamnWQ
数字通信世界:《世界因“她”而变 – IEEE北京女性领导力峰会召开》,https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ghnlZdQvA-iywbc8AWKGSg