2019北京国际女工程师领导力峰会(IEEE WIE ILS Beijing 2019)是由IEEE WIE北京分会主办的中国首场国际峰会,将在9月6-7日在北京市海淀区永泰庄北路1号中关村东升国际科学园举行。在科技全球化背景下,本次大会将开启工程师画像新时代,专注于领导力和影响力、创新和创业精神、新兴和前沿技术等内容,为参会者提供全球化视野和跨领域合作机会,促进多元文化的交流、融合与协作。
IEEE WIE ILS Beijing 2019 is the first international summit in China hosted by the IEEE WIE R10 Beijing Affinity Group, which will be held in DongSheng International Science Park, Zhongguancun, No. 1, Yongtaizhuang North Road, Haidian District, Beijing, on September 6-7. In the context of globalization of science and technology and Sino-U.S. Game, this summit will open a new era of engineer portraits, which focusing on leadership and influence, innovation and entrepreneurship, emerging and cutting-edge technologies, providing participants with a global perspective and opportunities for cross-cutting cooperation, and promoting multicultural exchanges, integration and collaboration.
峰会背景 Background
作为IEEE WIE首次在中国举行的领导力峰会,本次大会将邀请当地政府、IEEE 院士、企业家、科学家、学者、工程师、人力资源和教练等领袖,为与会者带来新一代移动通信技术、人工智能、可再生能源、区块链等最新技术。探讨技术和商业的融合,全球化环境下的国际竞争与合作机会。同时将组织专题对话,探讨多元化和包容性话题。
As the first Leadership Summit held by IEEE WIE in China, this summit will invite local government, IEEE fellow, entrepreneurs, scientists, scholars, human resource, professional trainer, etc. which will brings the new generation of mobile communication technology, artificial intelligence, renewable energy, block chains and other latest technologies to the participants. The summit will also discuss the integration of technology and business, international competition and cooperation opportunities in the context of globalization. At the same time, thematic dialogues would be organized to explore diverse and inclusive topics.
峰会主题 Theme
Inspiration: By sharing the real experience of different career growth stages which from entry to advancement or from excellence to supreme, to inspire the inner motivation and desire for the success of female engineers, and set up the examples.
Growth: By sharing with human resources experts and professional trainers to analyze the reason for the success in the workplace, avoid the traps, summarize the key steps of growth, help women seize opportunities, meet the turning point, and help them grow in the workplace in stages.
Integration: By focusing on multi-integration, the role of diversity in science and technology enterprises would be observed from different perspectives, and explores the requirement of personal development as a female engineer leader, as well as the optimization methods of empowering female employees.
Innovation: By creating a vibrant platform, it aims to promote the development of Chinese female engineers and scientists. And, with the help of the diversity of female engineers, the work would be innovated and contribute to the progress of human society.
嘉宾云集 Keynote Speaker
林咏华 Yonghua Lin 董晶 Jing Dong Emi Yano
高琳 Lin Gao Zuhaina Zakaria 朱丽 Li Zhu Charlotte Roule Joyce Zhang 王欣 Xin Wang 宋继强 Jiqiang Song 李大巍 Dawei Li 杨静 Jing Yang 唐文洁 Jill Tang 王思扬 Siyang Wang 韩蕾 Lei Han 王霞 Xia Wang 童甯 Ning Tong 福田敏男 Toshio Fukuda 易芝玲 Chih-Lin I 邵凌 Ling Shao 马惠敏 Huimin Ma 李若梅 Ruomei Li 徐飞玉 Feiyu Xu 谢涛 Tao Xie 王燕芳 Yanfang Wang 袁昱 Yu Yuan 吴国斌 Guobin Wu 施佳仪 Rhea Shi 陈志新 Zhixin Chen 王鹏 Patricia Wang
大会日程 Agenda
第一天 (2019年9月6日) September 6, 2019
13:30-14:00 | 开幕和欢迎致辞 Opening and Welcome | 林咏华,IEEE女工程师协会北京分会主席,Yonghua Lin, IEEE WIE Beijing AG Chair 华宁,IEEE亚太区高级业务总监,Ning Hua, Senior Director, IEEE Asia Operations 冯丽爽,IEEE北京分会代表,Lishuang Feng, IEEE Beijing Section WIE Coordinator |
14:00-14:20 | Change the World! – To Be a Change-Maker | Emi Yano,IEEE女工程协会第10区主席,IEEE WIE Region 10 Chair |
14:20-14:40 | Finding Your Voice | 高琳, 有意思教练CEO,职场畅销书《职得》作者,Lin Gao, MessageCoach CEO, Writer |
14:40-15:40 | 论坛1 科技领域的职业发展 Forum1: Career Development in Technical Field | Zuhaina Zakaria,IEEE电力与能源协会第10区代表 (IEEE PES R10),Emotional Intelligence-The recipe for successful leadership 朱丽,APEC可持续能源中心主席,On the Trans-Disciolinary Way-Technology+Art+Management,Li Zhu,APEC Sustainable Energy Center Chair 董晶,中科院自动化所,Engaging Tech for Good,Jing Dong, Institute of Automation, CAS, IEEE R10 HAC Chair Charlotte Roule, Engie CEO Joyce Zhang,领英HR (Linkedin),Gender Diversity Report |
15:40-16:00 | 茶歇 Tea Break | |
16:00-17:00 | 讨论1 职场圆桌讨论 Panel Discussion1: Diversity on the work floor & Gender Equity | 主持人:王欣,北大国发院企业合作主任,Xin Wang,Director,Enterprise Cooperation at Peking University 宋继强,英特尔中国研究院院长,Jiqiang Song,Managing Director, Intel China Lab 李大巍,他山石智库创始人,Dawei Li,Founder,China Thinkers Bureau 李睿,普华永道风险控制合伙人,Lisa Li,PwC TMT Risk Assurance Partner 杨静,新智元创始人&CEO,Jing Yang,AI Era Founder &CEO |
17:00-18:00 | 论坛2 社区实践 Forum2: Build Community | 唐文洁,Ladies Who Tech联合创始人,Tech Has No Gender,Jill Tang,Co-Founder, Ladies Who Tech 韩蕾,中国电科院期刊中心主任,IEEE PES中国区WIP秘书长,Power Women in Power Community,Lei Han,CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems,IEEE PES WIP Secretary-general 王思扬,姐妹行动创始人,Capability&Action,Realized Women Health Leadership,Siyang Wang,Founder,“Sister Action” 童甯,励媖中国秘书长,Snapshot of Women,Work&Happiness in China,Ning Tong,Secretary-general,Lean in China 王霞,清华大学,Xia Wang, Tsinghua University |
18:00-19:30 | 招待酒会 Cocktail Reception |
第二天(2019年9月7日) September 7, 2019
9:00-9:05 | 欢迎致辞 | 林咏华,IEEE女工程师协会北京分会主席, Yonghua Lin, IEEE WIE Beijing AG Chair |
9:05-9:30 | Community and Career Creation in IEEE | 福田敏男,IEEE 2020主席,Toshio Fukuda,IEEE 2020 President |
9:35-10:00 | AI for Good | 孟繁晶,IBM中国研究院,Fanjing Meng,STSM & Manager, IBM Research China |
10:00-10:20 | ICDT Deep Convergence | 易芝玲,中国移动首席科学家, Chih-Lin I,Chief Scientist, China Mobile |
10:20-10:40 | 茶歇 Tea Break | |
10:40-11:00 | Career Change When You Are 40s | 邵凌,易见天树CTO,Ling Shao,CTO, Easy Visible Supply Chain Management |
11:00-11:20 | Computer Vision Meets Psychology: A Research on the Key to the Mind | 马惠敏,中国图象图形学学会副理事长、秘书长,Huimin Ma,China Society of Image and Graphics, General Secretary |
11:20-11:40 | Empowering women, for women in power | 李若梅,IEEE PES WIP主席,Ruomei Li,IEEE PES WIP Chair |
11:40-12:00 | Global AI Landscape | 徐飞玉,联想集团副总裁,Feiyu Xu,Lenovo VP |
12:00-12:30 | 颁奖和合影 Award and Photo | |
12:30-14:00 | 午餐 Lunch | |
14:00-14:50 | 论坛3 未来技术 Forum3:Emerging Technology & Diversity | 谢涛,北京大学计算机科学技术系讲席教授,IEEE Fellow,Diversity in Engineering:Perspectives,Tao Xie,Peking University, IEEE Fellow Basabi Chakraborty,Iwate Prefectural University,Cognitive Distraction Detection from Personal Driving Behavior 王燕芳,北京大学临床研究所副所长,Your Health,Your Future!,Yanfang Wang,Peking University |
14:50-15:50 | 讨论2 技术趋势与创业风口圆桌讨论 Panel Discussion2: Innovation & Entrepreneurship | 袁昱,IEEE标准协会董事,Yu Yuan,Board member of IEEE SA 王青,IBM中国研究院,Qing Wang, IBM Research China 吴国斌,滴滴学术合作总监,Guobin Wu,Director,DiDi Chuxing 施佳仪,她爱科技联合创始人,Rhea Shi,Co-Founder,Her Technology 陈志新,Plug and Play副总裁,Zhixin Chen,VP, Plug and Play |
15:50-16:10 | 茶歇 Tea Break | |
16:10-16:40 | 未来领袖论坛 特邀10-18岁青少年 Forum: Future Leadership | 主持人:王鹏,英特尔中国研究院技术合作与战略总监,Patricia Wang,VP, Intel China Lab |
16:40-16:50 | 抽奖 Lucky Draw | |
16:50-17:00 | 闭幕演讲 Closing | 董晶,IEEE R10 HAC Chair, IEEE女工程师协会北京分会副主席, Jing Dong, Institute of Automation, CAS, IEEE R10 HAC Chair,IEEE WIE Beijing AG Group Vice Chair |
活动门票 Ticket
门票 Ticket | 价格(人民币) Price (RMB) | 付款时间(Payment time) | 权益 (Benefit) |
IEEE WIE会员票 IEEE WIE Member | 588 | 2019年9月5日之前 Before Sep.5,2019 | 大会日程+9月6日招待酒会+9月7日午餐 Agenda+ Sep.6 Cocktail Reception+ Sep.7 Lunch |
IEEE会员票 IEEE Member | 788 | 2019年9月5日之前 Before Sep.5,2019 | 大会日程+9月6日招待酒会+9月7日午餐 Agenda+ Sep.6 Cocktail Reception+ Sep.7 Lunch |
早鸟票 Early-bird | 788 | 2019年8月11日之前 Before Aug.11,2019 | 大会日程+9月6日招待酒会+9月7日午餐 Agenda+ Sep.6 Cocktail Reception+ Sep.7 Lunch |
标准门票 Standard | 988 | 2019年8月12日-9月5日 Aug.12-Sep.5,2019 | 大会日程+9月6日招待酒会+9月7日午餐 Agenda+ Sep.6 Cocktail Reception+ Sep.7 Lunch |
集体购票 Group | 10,000 | 2019年8月18日之前 Before Aug.18,2019 | 10张标准票 10 Standard Tickets 1张VIP票(除标准票权益外,参加9月7日中午VIP午餐会,和演讲嘉宾面对面交流)1 VIP Tickets (Standard Benefit + Sep.7 VIP Lunch + Face to Face Connection with Speakers) 获得IEEE ILS 2019颁发的感谢证书 IEEE ILS 2019 Award Certificate |
IEEE WIE是一个由IEEE会员和志愿者组成的全球网络,是全球最大的旨在推动职业女性参与工程科学领域的科技专业人员组织。IEEE WIE北京分会成立于2017年初,由IBM中国研究院院长林咏华女士担任首任主席,专注于中国工程科学领域女性职员领导力、企业家精神、新兴/未来技术等方面的发展与开拓,为中国女性职员提供国际合作机会,促进多元文化交流。通过创建一个充满活力的IEEE女性和男性社区,融合他们的多样化才能为人类的福祉进行创新。https://wie.ieee.org/
IEEE WIE is a global network of IEEE members and volunteers. It is the world’s largest organization of scientific and technological professionals aimed at promoting professional women’s participation in the field of Engineering Science. IEEE WIE Beijing Affinity Group was established in early 2017. Ms. Yonghua Lin, President of IBM China Research Institute, served as the first Chair. It focuses on the development and exploration of leadership, entrepreneurship and emerging / future technologies of Chinese female employees in the field of Engineering Science, provides international cooperation opportunities for Chinese female employees and promotes multicultural exchanges. By creating a vibrant IEEE community of women and men and integrating their diversity, we can innovate a better future for human well-being. https://wie.ieee.org/
主办方Organizer:IEEE女工程师协会北京分会( IEEE WIE Beijing AG Group Vice Chair )
协办方Co- Organizer :北京捷派科技(Beijing JP Technology),东升国际科学园( DongSheng International Science Park )
赞助商Sponsor:易见天树( Easy Visible ),滴滴(DiDi)
支持方Supporter:励媖中国( Lean in China ),Ladies Who Tech ,中国电科院期刊中心( CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems ),IEEE计算机协会(IEEE Computer Society),IEEE中国代表处(IEEE Beijing Representative Office),海尔(Haier),澳洲天鹅庄酒庄(AuSwan),WhiskyENJOY享威
特别鸣谢Special Thanks:IBM中国研究院( IBM Research China )
媒体报道 News Release
中国商报:《“ZAO”们或泄露用户生物信息 人脸识别到底是天使还是魔鬼》,http://www.zgswcn.com/article/201909/201909101104361036.html
网易新闻:《“ZAO”们或泄露用户生物信息 人脸识别到底是天使还是魔鬼》,http://3g.163.com/dy/article/EONERBOO05199LJK.html
搜狐:《“ZAO”们或泄露用户生物信息 人脸识别到底是天使还是魔鬼》,http://www.sohu.com/a/340010944_393779