2024 IEEE女工程师领导力峰会 (IEEE Women in Engineering China Leadership Summit, IEEE WIE CLS 2024) 将于2024年11月2日在中国北京举行。IEEE WIE CLS 2024是由IEEE WIE北京分会、IEEE中国联合会、IEEE中国代表处、IEEE PCCC女工程师委员会、CSEE JPES编辑部、中国图象图形学学会女科技工作者委员会、北京图像图形学学会、BSIG女工委联合主办的国际峰会。
IEEE WIE China Leadership Summit 2024 (IEEE WIE CLS 2024) will be held on November 2 at Beijing, China.
2024 IEEE Women in Engineering China Leadership Summit (2024 IEEE WIE CLS) is an international conference hosted by IEEE WIE Beijing Affinity Group, IEEE China Council, IEEE China Representative Office, IEEE PES WIP China Committee, Chinese Society of Image and Graphics Women Science and Technology Workers Committee, Beijing Society of Image and Graphics, and Beijing Society of Image and Graphics Women Science and Technology Workers Committee.
As women occupy a higher and higher status in social and economic development, “she power” has become a force that cannot be ignored by women in all fields of society, and includes the power of women themselves, the power of integration between women and men, the power of women to inspire men, and so on. The positive growth of “she power” makes the country more motivated and the social development more dynamic.
自2019年IEEE WIE BLS在中国首次举办以来,IEEE WIE领导力峰会已成功举办5届。历年来,峰会凝聚了国内外众多IEEE 院士、企业家、科学家、学者、工程师、人力资源和教练等领袖,聚焦于女性成长、科技创新、产学研融合、社群搭建、以及全球环境下的国际竞争与合作等话题,为观众带来富有创新性与跨界意义的观点碰撞,吸引了国内外众多参会嘉宾和人员。
2024年,第六届IEEE WIE CLS如约而至,以“乘数而上 · 梦由她创”为主题, 携手数字经济,激发她力量。我们聚焦于数字经济对女性创造力的赋能。这是一个汇聚女性智慧与科技力量的平台,在这里,每一位女性都能找到释放创造力的舞台。IEEE WIE领导力峰会一直致力于弘扬包容性文化,通过弥合数字性别鸿沟,助力科技“她力量” 释放璀璨光芒 ;共享数字时代红利,让女性在创业、创新的道路上走得更远,实现自我价值的飞跃。
IEEE WIE也希望通过峰会这个平台,助力女性员工职业生涯发展,培养女性学员的商业洞察力、战略性思维和情景适应能力,通过主题演讲、圆桌讨论与互动体验,探索女性在数字经济中的无限可能,构建起新技能并扩大自己的全球人际网络,与全球同行共同构建美好未来。同时,我们也希望能够激励男性更积极地参与关于女性赋能的对话。
A new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation has brought profound changes to the economic landscape and the way people live. IEEE WIE Beijing Affinity Group(IEEE WIE BJ AG)is committed to strengthen open sci-tech cooperation and aim at promoting professional women’s participation in the field of Engineering Science. IEEE WIE Beijing Leadership Summit was held annually by IEEE WIE BJ AG since 2019. It is designed to jointly discuss diversified and inclusive leadership topics such as the cutting-edge technology, scientific, technological and financial situation domestically and abroad, international competition and cooperation opportunities in the context of globalization, bring a feast of spark collision between technology and leadership topics to the participants.
The IEEE WIE CLS 2024 aims to bring together leaders, innovators, and experts from various sectors to engage in thoughtful discussions and exchange ideas with the theme of “She-Innovates · Digital Future”, where we spotlight the empowerment of women’s creativity through the digital economy. This is a platform that merges feminine intellect with technological prowess, where every woman can find a stage to unleash her creativity. By sharing the dividends of the digital era, women can advance further in entrepreneurship and innovation, achieving a leap in self-worth. Through keynote speeches, panel discussions, and interactive experiences, we explore the limitless possibilities of women in the digital economy, co-creating a brighter future with global peers.
IEEE WIE 北京分会 IEEE WIE Beijing Affinity Group
IEEE中国联合会 IEEE China Council
IEEE中国代表处 IEEE Inc. Beijing Representative Office
IEEE PCCC女工程师委员会 IEEE PCCC Women in Power Committee
中国图象图形学学会女科技工作者委员会 Women in China Society of Image and Graphics Committee,WiCSIG
北京图像图形学学会 Beijing Society of Image and Graphics
BSIG女工委 Beijing Society of Image and Graphics Women Science and Technology Workers Committee