OPPO 于 2004 年正式成立,是全球领先的智能设备创新者。目前我们的足迹已遍及 60 多个国家和地区,通过260000多个全球零售店数量及 3100 多个线下客户服务门店,与全球用户共享科技之美。OPPO 在全球布局八大智能制造中心并在伦敦设有全球设计中心,携手 48000 多名员工,用技术解锁人文科技的魅力。
创造人性温暖的至善世界,是 OPPO 独有的科技基因。早在 2008 年,OPPO 就以“笑脸手机”A103,孵化出科技的人性力量。2011 年,OPPO 迈进智能手机市场,以 Find 系列探索未来。2018年,OPPO 发布色彩影像旗舰Find X,用首款全面屏及潜望式摄像头的突破性设计,展现OPPO 对未来高端旗舰智能手机的探索和梦想追求。2019 年,OPPO 推出科技潮品 Reno 系列,开启全新的影像体验,引领主流中的潮流。2021 年推出全新折叠旗舰 Find N 系列,探索新形态设计的科技魅力,引领折叠屏从“常用”到“重用”的关键进化。2024年,OPPO正式进入AI 手机时代,Find X7系列AI赋能多场景。
About OPPO
Founded in 2004, OPPO is one of the world’s leading innovators of smart devices. With operations in over 60 countries and regions, OPPO’s more than 260,000 points of sales and 3,100 official service centers share the beauty of technology with users all over the world. To forward our vision of a better future, OPPO has established eight smart manufacturing facilities around the world, as well as a global design center in London. Every day, our 48,000 employees put their heart and soul into exploring the possibilities of humanistic technology.
“Technology for Mankind, Kindness for the World” is OPPO’s mission. The “Smiley Face” A103, which had a smiley face on its back formed by the rear camera and flash, was launched in 2008—the first time we introduced the kindness of technology. In 2011, OPPO entered the smartphone market with the Find series, and in 2018, OPPO created the Find X, a flagship phone in color photography and the world’s first phone with a panoramic arc screen and a periscope camera. This showed our ambition of making cutting-edge, premium flagship smartphones. OPPO then launched the new Reno series in 2019, a stylish tech product that offers an entirely new camera experience and sets a new trend for mainstream smartphones. OPPO has launched the Find N series, our new foldable flagship, in 2021 to explore the technological charm of new forms of design and make foldables come in handy in daily life. In 2024,OPPO launched Find X7 series equipped with advanced generative AI capabilities,thus opened the AI Smartphones era.

REForce 集团于 2015 年成立,2018 年成为亚太区上市人力资源集团 HRnetGroup 旗下一员. 至 2024年, REForce 正经历飞速发展,在国内多个主要城市开展业务,包括北京、上海、苏州、广州、成都、西安、深圳等。
About REForce
Founded in 2015, REForce joined HRnetGroup, a leading Asia-Pacific human resources services group, in 2018. Since then, REForce has experienced rapid growth and expanded its operations to major cities across China, including Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Xi’an, and Shenzhen.
Leveraging our extensive talent database and unique consulting approach, we provide comprehensive human resources solutions to our clients. Our services encompass executive search and recruitment, talent mapping and insights, HR outsourcing, staffing, HR consulting, and employer branding. We are committed to connecting top-tier talent with exceptional opportunities.

关于她原力she rewires
「她原力she rewires」聚焦于女性在科学、技术、工程、艺术和数学(STEAM)领域的发展。我们致力于点燃和重塑女性对于STEAM 的热爱和发展。 「她原力she rewires」从中国出发,链接全球。作为中国最活跃的科技女性社群,展现了一种全新而充满活力的中国科技女性新形象。
我们的愿景是为所有人塑造可持续的 STEAM 未来。不仅跟随时代拥抱变化;还共同展望一个由女性及其盟友共建的更具包容性、多样性和创新性的未来并让每个人都能成为各自领域的开拓者。 「她原力she rewires」由130多位志愿共建者在16个城市共同打造并链接全球70,000 多名会员。
About She Rewires
She Rewires is a social enterprise that focuses on the development of women in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM). We are committed to igniting and reshaping women’s passion and development in STEAM. Originating from China, She Rewires connects globally. As one of the most active communities of women in technology in China, it showcases a new and vibrant image of women in STEAM.
Our vision is to shape a sustainable STEAM future for everyone. We not only embrace change with the times but also look forward to a future built by women and our allies, which is more inclusive, diverse, and innovative, allowing everyone to become pioneers in their respective fields. She Rewires is led by over 130 co-builders in 14 cities and connects with more than 70,000 members worldwide.

在超过五十年的历史中,AMD引领了高性能运算、图形,以及可视化技术方面的创新。全球数以亿计的人们、领先的500强公司,以及尖端科学研究机构都依靠AMD技术来改善他们的生活、工作以及娱乐。AMD员工致力于打造领先的高性能和自适应产品,努力拓宽技术的极限。成就今日,启迪未来。更多信息,敬请访问AMD公司(NASDAQ:AMD)官网http://www.amd.com.cn/ ,关注AMD 官方微信: AMDChina,关注 AMD 官方微博@AMD中国。
About AMD
For more than 50 years AMD has driven innovation in high-performance computing, graphics, and visualization technologies. Billions of people, leading Fortune 500 businesses, and cutting-edge scientific research institutions around the world rely on AMD technology daily to improve how they live, work, and play. AMD employees are focused on building leadership high-performance and adaptive products that push the boundaries of what is possible. For more information about how AMD is enabling today and inspiring tomorrow, visit the AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) website, blog, LinkedIn, and X pages.

About BSIG
Beijing Society of Image and Graphics (BSIG) was established in 1993, as a highly recognized 5A-level municipal society under the Beijing Association for Science and Technology, it is not only an important academic platform in the field of image and graphics science, but also a warm home for science and technology workers who specialize in image and graphics theory and related technologies throughout the city. The society is composed of group member units and individual members, bringing together a large number of experts, professors, and frontier science and technology personnel who have been deeply involved in the field of image and graphics for many years. Since its establishment, the society has always taken it as its mission to promote the flourishing development of the image and graphics discipline, taking serving the broad image and graphics science and technology workers as its core mission, committed to uniting and leading the scientific and technological elites in this field to explore technological innovation, promote academic exchange, and contribute to the progress of science and technology and social development.

The Committee of Female Scientists and Engineers of the Beijing Society of Image and Graphics, as a significant branch of the Beijing Society of Image and Graphics(BSIG), is dedicated to uniting and organizing the numerous female scientists and engineers in our country. It conducts professional and technical activities in the field of image and graphics, inherits and promotes the spirit of female scientists, facilitates academic exchanges and cooperation among female scientists and engineers in this domain for industry-university-research collaboration, undertakes social service tasks such as knowledge popularization and providing suggestions and strategies, and contributes to enhancing the research, teaching, application level, and international influence in image and graphics and related fields. Meanwhile, the committee will guide and serve the vast number of female scientists and engineers to strive in achieving technological self-reliance and self-improvement, offering valuable learning and development opportunities to them.

CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems (CSEE JPES)介绍
《中国电机工程学会电力与能源系统学报(英文)》(CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems,CSEE JPES)创刊于2015年3月,双月刊,由中国电机工程学会主办,中国电力科学研究院承办,与IEEE 联合出版,可在IEEE Xplore实现开放获取(OA)和优先出版。已被SCI、EI、Scopus等国内外知名数据库收录,最新SCI影响因子6.9,位于JCR Q1区。期刊由中国科学院院士、美国国家工程院外籍院士、中国电科院名誉院长周孝信担任主编。聚焦电力与能源交叉领域,致力于报道引领能源革命中电力系统发展趋势的新理论、新方法、新技术、新实践前沿,为该领域全球学者提供国际交流平台,扩大其研究成果的学术影响力。
The CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems (JPES) , founded in 2015, is an international bimonthly journal published by the Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering (CSEE) in collaboration with CEPRI (China Electric Power Research Institute) and IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Inc. All articles of CSEE JPES are published on IEEE Xplore Digital Library as Open Access (OA). This journal has been indexed by SCI(IF=6.9,Q1), EI, Scopus, INSPEC, CSAD, CSTPCD, ProQuest, CSCD and DOAJ. The Editor-in-Chief is Xiaoxin Zhou, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, International Member of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE), Honorary President of China Electric Power Research Institute. The journal is dedicated to reporting cutting-edge theories, methods, technologies and applications that will shape the development of power systems in energy transition. The journal provides an international platform for authors to maximize the reach and influence of their contributions.

女工委成立以来,聚合了各个领域中的优秀女科技工作者,组织丰富多彩的交流活动,邀请相关领域的专家学者分享报告,助力女性青年人才成长。CSIG女工委品牌活动包括:CSIG菁英青云在线论坛、女科学家科技沙龙、CSIG青云菁英学术年会、CSIG 石青云女科学家奖。
Women in CSIG
The committee for women in CSIG (Women in CSIG) was established in 2018, is one of the working committees of the China Society of Image and Graphics. The mission and responsibilities of the women in CSIG: to encourage the growth of female scientific and technological talents in the field of intelligent vision processing, to inherit and develop the spirit of female scientists, to promote academic exchanges and industry-university-research cooperation among female scientific and technological workers, and to recommend outstanding female talents to participate Selection of relevant national female science and technology awards.
Since the establishment of the women in CSIG, it has gathered outstanding female scientific and technological workers in various fields, organized a variety of exchange activities, invited experts and scholars in related fields to share reports, and helped young female talents grow. The brand activities of women in CSIG include: CSIG Female Elite Online Forum, Women Scientists Technology Salon, CSIG Female Elite Academic Conference, CSIG Shi Qingyun Women Scientist Award.
The service tenet of women in CSIG: to join hands with all societies to build a big stage for the development of women scientists and technicians, to encourage and unite female scientific and technological workers to actively participate in academic exchange activities, to build a fair and open service platform for scientific and technological talents to learn and exchange.

IEEE PES中国专业分会联合会女工程师委员会介绍
IEEE PES中国专业分会联合会女工程师委员会(IEEE PCCC WIP)成立于2018年10月,致力于壮大中国女性工程师队伍、助力女性工程师成长、支撑女性工程师发展。自成立以来,聚焦能源行业女性人才教育、职业发展、社会责任等开展了丰富多彩的活动,极大提高了中国女工程师在世界上的国际影响力。
IEEE PES China Chapter Council Women In Power (IEEE PCCC WIP) was established in October 2018, dedicated to strengthening the ranks of Chinese female engineers, assisting their growth, and supporting their development. Since its establishment, it has focused on the education, career development, and social responsibility of women in energy and power industry, carrying out a variety of activities, which has greatly enhanced the international influence of Chinese female engineers in the world.

IEEE China Council – IEEE中国联合会简介
IEEE 中国联合会是IEEE作为跨国性质的非政府学术团体,是IEEE在亚太地区(即第10区,R10)的6个联合会之一。电气电子工程师学会(the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE)是国际性的电子技术与信息科学工程师的学会,为全球最大的非营利性专业技术学会,在190多个国家有着超过46万名会员。
- 协助和协调中国8个分会的学术管理;
- IEEE在中国举办学术会议的协调;
- 在中国IEEE影响力的推广;
- 与其他国内或国际学术和技术组织协调,提供技术联络。
IEEE中国联合会现设执行委员会(共17人),主席为闻映红,常务副主席为周孟奇。目前下设10个专门委员会,包括了顾问委员会、会员发展委员会、教育委员会、会议管理委员会、年轻科学家委员会、工业合作与创新委员会、管理和信息委员会、项目计划委员会、新闻发布委员会和人工智能委员会。各委员会顾问均为执行委员会成员,IEEE中国联合会定期开展执行委员会会议,讨论 IEEE 在中国的日常事务,每年向R10发布年度报告及日常活动通讯。
IEEE China Council Introduction
As a multinational non-government academic group, IEEE China Council is one of the six councils of IEEE in the Asia-Pacific region (Region 10, R10). The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity with 460,000 members in more than 190 countries.
The IEEE China Council was established in June 2007 in Beijing, which is the sole academic organization coordinating IEEE’s activities in China. It operates eight regional sections (Beijing Section, Shanghai Section, Guangzhou Section, Xi’an Section, Harbin Section, Chengdu Section, Wuhan Section, Nanjing Section) and 79 student sections.
Daily Affairs Include:
– Assisting and coordinating the academic management of the eight sections in China;
– Coordinating academic conferences held by IEEE in China;
– Promoting the influence of IEEE in China;
– Coordinating with other domestic or international academic and technical organizations to provide technical liaison.
The IEEE China Council currently has an Executive Committee (consisting of 17 members), with Yinghong Wen as the Chair and Mengqi Zhou as the Executive Vice Chair. Currently it has ten specialized committees, including the Advisory Committee, Membership Development Committee, Education Committee, Conference Management Committee, Young Professional Committee, Industrial Cooperation and Innovation Committee, Management and Information Committee, Project Planning Committee, Press Committee, and Artificial Intelligence Committee. Advisors of each committee are members of the Executive Committee. The IEEE China Council regularly holds Executive Committee meetings to discuss the daily affairs of IEEE in China and annually releases an annual report and daily activity newsletter to R10.

IEEE, pronounced “Eye-triple-E,” stands for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
IEEE’s roots are grounded in two early engineering organizations with world-renown founding officers: American Institute of Electrical Engineers in 1884 and Institute of Radio Engineers in 1912. On 1 January 1963, the AIEE and the IRE merged to form the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, or IEEE.
电气电子工程师学会(IEEE)的英文全称是the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,其前身是成立于1884年的美国电气工程师协会(AIEE)和成立于1912年的无线电工程师协会(IRE)。1963年,AIEE和IRE宣布合并,电气电子工程师学会(IEEE)正式成立了。
IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization with over 460,000 members in 190 countries. IEEE publishes nearly a third of the world’s technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics, this includes approximately 200 transactions, journals, and magazines published annually. IEEE Xplore Digital Library provides access to more than 5 million documents. Also, IEEE sponsors more than 1,900 conferences in 84countries. The IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) is a collaborative organization, where innovators raise the world’s standards for technology. IEEE SA provides a neutral and open environment that empowers innovators – across borders and disciplines – to shape and improve technology. We enable the collaborative exploration of emerging technologies, the identification of challenges and opportunities to address, and the development of recommendations, solutions and technology standards that solve market-relevant problems. Together, we are raising the standards that benefit industry and humanity; making technology better, safer and sustainable for the future. IEEE and its members inspire a global community to innovate for a better tomorrow through highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities.
作为全球最大的专业技术组织,IEEE在全球190多个国家有着超过46万名会员。在电气及电子工程、计算机及其他技术领域中,IEEE 出版了近三分之一的技术文献,其中包括每年出版的200本期刊和杂志,IEEEXplore数字图书馆文献超过500万篇。IEEE每年在全球84个国家举办超过1900场会议。IEEE 标准协会 (IEEE Standards Association) 是世界领先的标准制定机构,隶属于电气电子工程师学会(IEEE)。作为广泛技术行业标准的领先开发组织,IEEE SA 推动产品和服务的功能、能力、安全性和互操作性,改变人们的生活、工作和交流方式。 IEEE 标准为推动全球创新的公平竞争环境添砖加瓦; 保护公共安全、促进人类健康和福祉; 并为可持续发展的未来做出贡献。IEEE及其会员通过高质量出版物,会议,技术标准以及专业和教育活动,激励全球社区创新,共创美好明天。
IEEE website:https://www.ieee.org/
IEEE Chinese Website:http://cn.ieee.org
IEEE Official Wechat:

关于IEEE WIE(IEEE Women in Engineering)
IEEE WIE(IEEE Women in Engineering)是一个由 IEEE 会员和志愿者组成的全球性组织,致力于促进女性工程师和科学家的发展,并激励世界各地的女孩追求她们的学术兴趣,投身于工程和科学事业。IEEE WIE 是改变国际工程界面貌的领头组织之一,致力于促进女性科技工作者在日常生活和职业生涯等各个方面的进步与提升。 我们期望营造一个充满活力的,男性与女性共同利用其多样化才能进行技术创新,从而造福人类的IEEE学术文化社区。
关于IEEE WIE北京分会(IEEE WIE Beijing Affinity Group)
IEEE WIE北京分会是中国最大的女性专业组织之一, 致力于推广女性工程师和科学家,激发年轻女性投身科学研究和工程事业。作为具有悠久灿烂文明的开放的国家, 中国女性在科研中承担了越来越重要的角色。坐落于首都北京,中国的文化和科技中心,IEEE WIE北京分会成为科技女性交流的重要平台。
About IEEE Women in Engineering
IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is a global network of IEEE members and volunteers dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists, and inspiring girls around the world to follow their academic interests in a career in engineering and science. Our goal is to facilitate the recruitment and retention of women in technical disciplines globally. We envision a vibrant community of IEEE women and men collectively using their diverse talents to innovate for the benefit of humanity.
About IEEE WIE Beijing Affinity Group
IEEE WIE Beijing Affinity Group is one of the largest women’s professional organizations in China. It is committed to promoting women engineers and scientists and motivating young women to devote themselves to scientific research and engineering. As an open country with a long and splendid civilization, Chinese women have played an increasingly important role in scientific research. Located in the capital, Beijing, China’s cultural and technological center, Beijing Affinity Group has become an important platform for women in science and technology exchanges.