Advanced Distribution Network Management Using Synchrophasors Data


IEEE Power Energy Society (PES) and Industry Application Society VIC Chapter Joint Technical Seminar   Speaker: Dr Mehdi Mosadeghy, NOJA Power   This seminar outlines the ongoing ARENA funded project at NOJA Power for the first large-scale deployment of synchrophasors at the medium voltage distribution grid. This presentation covers the project overview, the fundamentals of the synchrophasor technology, details of the data management system, applications of synchrophasors in the distribution grid, and project outcomes. A synchrophasor is a time-synchronized measurement of power system measurements. The main benefits of synchrophasor data compare to conventional measurements are their higher reporting rate, their GPS synchronized values and phase angle measurements. Synchrophasor data are reported every few milliseconds, while traditional systems such as SCADA report once per several seconds. Registration: Zoom Link: Contact: IEEE PES Victorian chapter– [email protected]  
