This has been a tough year for everyone, but particularly for students who graduated and started looking for jobs in the middle of a pandemic. On top of that, a lot of engineering graduates lack essential skills required in the workplace.
Did you know that Data Science and ICT skills are becoming more and more important for employers, regardless of the field in which you apply for jobs? That is because most roles now use technology and deal with big amounts of data, and therefore require the employee to be able to manipulate this data effectively, in order to gain valuable insights that allow them to perform their job better and give the company a competitive advantage in the market.
IEEE Young Professionals Victorian Section aims to help students and graduates become “young professionals” – hence why, we partnered with the Australian start-up Tech4Future, a not-for-profit focused on research, innovation and education, to run a FREE employability program for all the students and graduates who are interested to attend. The sessions will be fully online, so everyone can join, regardless of the location.
This is a complex program which requires commitment, attendance at the virtual sessions and completion of the tasks given by the facilitator from Tech4Future. The facilitator is Dr. Gabriela Raducan, founder and director of Tech4Future. She is an experienced researcher with deep knowledge in Advanced Data Science and ICT and a multidisciplinary background.
The program is FREE, and there are no hidden charges. We do ask for your help with a research that Tech4Future will conduct throughout the duration of this program, in order to analyse if this program is helpful for the students/graduates for their desired career paths. Based on this research, Tech4Future will propose for such modules to be implemented in Australian universities. We ask that the participants answer the surveys provided by Tech4Future truthfully and constructively, being honest about their needs.
The 2 modules delivered by Tech4Future, are:
- Module 1 will commence in November 2020, will run across 4 weeks, and will cover the following topics:
- Data Science and ICT fundamentals for engineers;
- Career workshops, personal branding and everything related.
2. Module 2 will commence in January 2021, will run across 4 weeks, and will provide all the required information for graduates to be able to create a successful start-up in Australia, as well as design thinking process, data science for market research, ICT fundamentals for digitised businesses, and more.
Both modules are free, and they are independent of each other, which means that anyone interested can attend any of the two modules, or both, as per their preferences.