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IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) VIC Chapter Workshop: Transformer Design and Design Parameters
October 31, 2020 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Transformer Design and Design Parameters
Speaker: Ronnie Minhaz, Transformer Consulting Services, Inc.
Saturday, the 31st October 2020, 9.00am-12.00pm (Melbourne Time)
Abstract: The presentation will be on the Basics of Transformer Design. The presentation will explain how a transformer designer interprets parameters such as MVA, Lightning impulse, Switching impulse, and Percentage impedance. It will touch on Power Rating [MVA], Core, Rated voltages, Insulation Coordination, Short-circuit Impedance, Short-circuit Forces, Loss Evaluation, Temperature limits, Cooling, and Sound level. It will also explain overload and life expectancy of a transformer as well as when Delta winding is needed in a Wye-Wye connection. The presentation will answer why North America likes to regulate from the low voltage side whereas Europe regulates from the high voltage side.
Register the event here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/transformer-design-and-design-parameters-tickets-124806757371
Join the event here: https://deakin.zoom.us/j/97296206012