How to apply for IEEE Tainan Section Student Membership Subsidy 學生會員入會補助辦法
05 May, 2024
The IEEE Tainan Section provides a 50% subsidy on student membership fees to new student members. The application form requires the signature of the student’s thesis advisor. Each professor serving as a thesis advisor may assist up to two students in applying for the subsidy each year.
- Applicants must be student members newly joined to the IEEE Tainan Section.
- Applicants must be Taiwanese students currently enrolled in public or private colleges or universities located in the Yunlin, Chiayi, Tainan, Kaohsiung, or Pingtung areas.
Application Deadline
- Please submit your application within one month of joining IEEE. (Based on the postmark date.)
- If you join IEEE on or after December 1, please send your application documents to the IEEE Tainan Section Secretariat by December 15 of the same year. (Based on the postmark date.)
Required Documents
- Completed application form
- IEEE membership fee receipt
- Subsidy receipt (complete all fields except the amount)
- One of the following:
- Copy of student ID (front and back, with current semester registration or enrollment stamp)
- Certificate of enrollment
- 本會視經費狀況每年補助同一名老師指導的兩名學生,通過審查之學生給予50%會員費之補助,至多補助兩年。
- 審核通過者,補助款將於核銷報帳程序後,由本會直接匯入申請表上所填之金融機構帳戶。
- 申請者必須為新加入IEEE之Tainan Section的學生會員。
- 申請者必須為中華民國國籍之在學學生,並於雲林、嘉義、台南、高雄、屏東地區內公私立大專院校就讀。
- 請於加入IEEE後一個月內提出申請。(以郵戳為憑)
- 若申請加入IEEE會員日期為12月1日後,請於當年12月15日前將申請文件寄至本會。(以郵戳為憑)
- 填妥之申請表
- IEEE會費收據(Receipt/Invoice)
- 學生會員入會補助收據(除了金額,其它請填寫完整)
- 擇一提供:學生證正反面影本(需有當學期註冊章/在學證明章) 或 在學證明書