Data-Driven Operational and Optimization Strategies for New Power Systems
15 March 2024 (Friday)
16:20 – 18:10 PM (Beijing Time, GMT+8)
Research Building 1, SUSTech
Organized by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Shenzhen Chapter.
Activity Aim & Talk
In this activity, Assistant Professor Chenye Wu will talk about Data-Driven Operational and Optimization Strategies for New Power Systems. Is Artificial Intelligence Necessary in the Power Industry? This report begins with the transformation of power systems, discussing how artificial intelligence will aid in their transformation to meet the challenges posed by the large-scale integration of new energy sources. Specifically, it addresses the operation and optimization of power systems, which mainly include system management and market design. The high unpredictability of new energy generation has rendered traditional power system management and market designs ineffective. The digitalization of power systems can comprehensively enhance the efficiency of the power industry. In light of this, the report introduces several explorations made by the team in recent years on the integration of the “energy-information economy”. Firstly, it considers the acquisition and utilization of big data in power, using the example of electric power customer profiling, to explore the design of privacy protection mechanisms for power data and the impact of privacy protection on data utility. This exploration is pivotal in foreseeing the formation model of future power data sharing markets. Secondly, the report introduces data-driven power system control methods, using the classic economic dispatch as an example to discuss the role of end-to-end and other machine learning concepts in enhancing the efficiency of power system management. Finally, by analyzing the shared economy business model based on energy storage systems, it discusses the future new market forms of the power industry.
Meet the Speaker
Dr. Chenye Wu is currently an assistant professor at the School of Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. Dr. Wu received his bachelor’s degree in electronic engineering from Tsinghua University in 2009 and his Ph.D. degree in computer science and engineering from Tsinghua University in 2013, advised by Prof. Andrew Yao, the Turing Award Laurant. Dr. Wu’s research interests span from power system control to the electricity market design, emphasizing the emerging business model design for the energy sector, the market power analysis for the electricity market, and the AI-driven power system control and operation. Dr. Wu has published over 80 research articles in top journals and leading conferences in the field, including IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, and ACM e-Energy. He is a member of the FinTech special interest group, China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, and a member of the special interest group, China Energy Society. Dr. Wu has been an Editorial Board Member for IEEE Systems Journal as an Associate Editor since February 2022. He is the symposium co-chair for IEEE SmartGridComm 2022 and the digital conference co-chair for ACM e-Energy 2022. Dr. Wu is the co-recipients of the three best paper awards, including the best paper award for IEEE SmartGridComm 2012 and IEEE PES General Meeting 2013 and 2020.