Time: 13: 00 – 14: 30 (JST), July 16, 2024.

Location: Y103, Education & Research Building No. 8, Muroran Institute of Technology, 27-1 Mizumoto-cho, Muroran, Hokkaido, 0508585 Japan.


IEEE Muroran Institute of Technology Student Branch

IEEE Sapporo Section Young Professionals (YP)

Emerging Networks and Systems Laboratory (ENeS), Muroran Institute of Technology

Topic: Prevention of COVID-19 Using Mobile Crowd Sourcing Data 

Speaker: Chao Li, Research Scientist, Zhejiang University, China


Since its outbreak in late 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a sustained global infectious disease pandemic, becoming one of the deadliest pandemics in human history.  This talk aims to address the limitations of traditional infectious disease prevention and control systems, such as limited monitoring scope, lagging early warning, and costly and time-consuming response and control measures. Focusing on the spatiotemporal transmission mechanisms, multi-source heterogeneous data fusion, and the inherent relationships between physical contacts, online social interactions and epidemic transmission of major infectious diseases, we integrates and analyzes multi-modal spatiotemporal big data to achieve epidemic modeling, analysis and real-time early warning for COVID-19 and other major infectious diseases.


Dr. LI Chao is currently a Research Scientist and Doctoral Supervisor at Center for Data Science and International Business School, Zhejiang University. He obtained his BSc (2012) and PhD (2019) degrees from Zhejiang University. He spent 4 years at the College of Control Science and Engineering as a research assistant at Zhejiang University. His primary research interests include mobile crowdsourcing, urban computing, and smart transportation systems. His work has been published in leading academic journals such as IEEE TITS, TMC, TCSS, National Science Open and Communications Physics, among others. He is currently leading the National Natural Science Youth Project, and Young Talent Research Project of State Key Laboratory of Industrial Control Technology of China. 


Emerging Networks and Systems Laboratory (ENeS)

Email: [email protected]