Time: 15: 15 – 16: 30 (JST), Aug 4, 2023.

Location: V105, Education & Research Building No. 8, Muroran Institute of Technology, 27-1 Mizumoto-cho, Muroran, Hokkaido, 0508585 Japan.



IEEE Muroran Institute of Technology Student Branch

IEEE Sapporo Section Young Professionals (YP)

Emerging Networks and Systems Laboratory (ENeS), Muroran Institute of Technology


Topic: Pervasive AI: A System Perspective

Speaker: PengLi, Senior Associate Professor, University of Aizu, Japan


The recent success of machine learning, especially deep learning, stems from the availability of big data and strong computational power brought by cutting-edge hardware (e.g., GPUs and TPUs). Facing massive computational loads, it is inefficient or sometimes impossible to train models on a single machine, driving attention towards distributed machine learning on multiple machines. This talk reviews the recent research efforts about distributed systems for machine learning. It starts from data centers, and present concepts and motivations of distributed machine learning, paying special attention on machine learning job scheduling on heterogeneous GPUs. Then, it walks out of data centers to show how to extend the distributed machine learning ideas to edge devices. Finally, it presents new challenges of training distributed unstructured data, graphs, and possible solutions.


Peng Li is a Senior Associate Professor in the University of Aizu, Japan. His research interests mainly focus on wired/wireless networking, cloud/edge computing, distributed AI systems, and blockchain. Dr. Li has authored or co-authored over 100 papers in major conferences and journals. He won the Young Author Award of IEEE Computer Society Japan Chapter in 2014, the Best Paper Award of IEEE TrustCom 2016 and the Best Paper Award of IEEE Communication Society Big Data Technical Committee in 2019. He supervised students to win the First Prize of IEEE ComSoc Student Competition in 2016. Dr. Li won the 2020 Best Paper Award of IEEE Transactions on Computers. He serves as the chair of SIG on Green Computing and Data Processing in IEEE ComSoc Green Communications and Computing Technical Committee. Dr. Li is the guest editor of IEEE Journal of Selected Areas on Communications, the editor of IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society, and IEICE Transactions on Communications. He is a senior member of IEEE.



Emerging Networks and Systems Laboratory (ENeS)

Email: [email protected]