2nd Hokkaido Young Professionals Workshop
The IEEE Muroran SB SPAx event will be held on November 26, 2022. This SPAx event is organized by IEEE Muroran Institute of Technology Student Branch, IEEE Sapporo Young Professionals (Sapporo YP), and Emerging Networks and Systems Laboratory (ENeS), Muroran Institute of Technology.
The nature of this SPAx event is to link the students and researchers from industry. We invite two keynote speakers from industry. Mr. Takefumi Yamada is from Toyota Industries Corporation. Mr. Ryuma Sato is from Cellid Inc. They will share ideas on the latest research topics. We also hold a student presentation contest to encourage students to exercise their ability to give presentations as well as sharing opinions in research. Moreover, we also invite three speakers from academia. They will introduce their research works at this SPAx event.
SCHEDULE (Hybrid):
Date: 10:30~15:30 (JST), Saturday, November 26, 2022
Location: R205, Education & Research Building No. 9, Muroran Institute of Technology, 27-1 Mizumoto-cho, Muroran, Hokkaido, 0508585 Japan
Please click the Zoom link right before the workshop on November 26, 2022
- 10:30−10:40 Opening Remark
- 10:40−11:20 Keynote Speech 1
Mr. Takefumi Yamada, Toyota Industries Corporation
- 11:20−12:00 Student Presentation Contest
- 13:00−13:40 Keynote Speech 2
Mr. Ryuma Sato, Cellid Inc
- 13:40−14:20 Keynote Speech 3
Prof. Chaofeng Zhang, Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology
- 14:20−14:50 Invited Talk by Sapporo YP Best Researcher Award 2022 winner
Prof. Keisuke Maeda, Hokkaido University
- 14:50−15:20 Invited Talk by Sapporo YP Best Paper Award 2022 winner
Prof. Keta Morimoto, University of Hyogo
- 15:20−15:30 Closing