An invited talk by Prof. Kohei Ohno, associate professor, from the Meiji University, will be held hybrid on March 29, 2022, at Zoom(online) and Room R205 Building V Muroran IT. Kohei Ohno will share some interesting ideas about the detection scheme for the human body using UWB radio.
Date: 29 Mar 2022
Time: 09:00 AM to 10:30 AM (JST)
Location: Room R205, Education & Research Building No. 8, Muroran Institute of Technology, 27-1 Mizumoto-cho, Muroran, Hokkaido, 0508585 Japan.
IEEE Muroran Institute of Technology Student Branch
IEEE Sapporo Section Young Professionals (YP)
Emerging Networks and Systems Laboratory (ENeS), Muroran Institute of Technology
Topic: Detection scheme for human body using UWB radio in NLOS environments
UWB (Ultra Wideband) radar has a higher resolution ranging capability by using very short pulses. In this paper, a human body detection technique is examined when the human is blocked by obstacles. Channel responses of transmission path are measured in the anechoic chamber. A path detection scheme is adopted to find the reflected paths from the human body. The amplitude and delay time of the paths can be estimated by using the proposed path detection scheme. The human body and wall can be distinguished by difference of the power and delay time of paths estimated from the channel responses that are measured in multiple times. The proposed technique is effective to find the human even when the power of the reflection signal from the human body is weaker.