Posts tagged with: past

Recording of Professor Bing Xue’s Inaugural Lecture

Victoria University of Wellington Professor, Bing Xue, recently gave her inaugural lecture in the Hunter Council Chambers at the Kelburn Campus. For those interested, below is a recording of the event, kindly provided by Victoria University of Wellington, here.

Please see our Events Page for information …

WIE: Mentor-Mentee Relationship Development

IEEE Women in Engineering strives to provide assistance in supporting female professionals in technical disciplines. This session will provide some tips for both people who would want to be a great mentor, and for those who want to get the most out of being mentored …

Global Power and Energy Society website

Please visit if you are interested in learning more about the global strategy of the Power and Energy Society. Particularly calls for applicants, papers, and award nominations. Information regarding the New Zealand Chapter will be added here, as it is received.

NZCS committee meeting

Monthly meeting of the NZ Central Section committee.
IEEE NZCS Committee Minutes 07 July 2022

2022 IEEE Postgraduate Symposium

We are happy to announce that we will hold the 2022 IEEE NZCS Postgraduate Symposium on Wednesday 31 August 2022 (10:00 am-5:00 pm) at the Laby Building, Victoria University of Wellington, Kelburn Campus, Wellington.
This event is held annually with 30+ attendants, providing excellent opportunities for …

Global Instrumentation and Measurement Society website

Please visit if you are interested in learning more about the global strategy of the Instrumentation and Measurement Society. Particularly calls for applicants, papers, and award nominations. Information regarding the New Zealand Chapter will be added here, as it is received.

IEEE CIS Outstanding Early Career Award: Bing Xue

Please join us in congratulating Victoria University of Wellington (VUW) Professor and Section Committee member, Bing Xue. She recently received the 2023 IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Outstanding Early Career Award “for contributions to the development and application of evolutionary machine learning”. This is a very …

Writing: conciseness and clarity

Writing is an essential skill, but it is challenging to have good writing skills. Victoria University of Wellington Associate Professor, Peter Andreae, recently discussed useful tips to write concisely and clearly to improve a reader’s experience. Organised by the Section’s Young Professionals Affinity Group, the …

Joint Institutions Breakfast Seminar: “Snakes and Ladders”

All members and guests of the IEEE Central Section, IET Wellington Network, and ENZ Wellington Branch are welcomed to a special event, hosted by all three institutions, on the morning of 1 September 2022, in Central Wellington. The guest speaker for this event is Sir …