Formation of IEEE NKSS
IEEE North Karnataka Sub-Section (IEEE-NKSS) was formed in July 2020 – R0011902. The key objective was to network professionals through IEEE membership in this region and to share the developments in technological front. North Karnataka has 35 Engineering Colleges, IIT Dharwad, IIIT Dharwad, Visvesvaraya Technological University Belagavi, Central University Karnataka Kalaburagi, Sharanabasava University Kalburgi, KBN University Kalburgi, and KLE Tech University Hubballi, spread in nine districts, viz. Bidar, Kalburgi, Yadgiri, Raichur, Vijayapura, Bagalkot, Belagavi, Dharwad and Gadag. Other universities in the region are Karnataka University Dharwad, Rani Channamma University Belagavi, University of Horticulture Sciences, Bagalkot and Raichur University, Raichur.
The thought of starting IEEE North Karnataka Sub Section (IEEE-NKSS) was initiated by Dr. Suresh H. Jangamshetti, Senior Member IEEE during the period when Ravi Kiran was chair of Bangalore Section. Later on, during the Chairmanship of Puneet Mishra and Bindu Madhavan, Bangalore section, the petition to start IEEE NKSS was filed. Approval was received in July 2020 and Dr. Suresh Jangamshetti took charge as the Founder Chair of IEEE NKSS along with Dr. D. B. Kulkarni as Vice Chairman; Dr. Kiran Belavalad as Secretary and Mr. Abhishek Deshmukh as Treasurer.
IEEE North Karnataka Subsection (NKSS, Geocode: R0011902) was officially inaugurated on 14.09.2020 at 6:00 PM IST in virtual mode by Prof. Akinori Nishihara, Director IEEE R10 (Asia Pacific), Mr. Deepak Mathur, Director – Elect, IEEE R10, Dr. Ramakrishna K, MGA Vice Chair-Membership, Past Director IEEE R10, Dr. Supavadee Armvith, IEEE R10 Section & Chapter coordinator, Dr. S. N. Singh Chair IEEE India Council, Dr. Sudeendra Koushik, Chair Nominations Committee and Mr. Puneet Kumar Mishra, Chair of IEEE Bangalore Section.
IEEE NKSS has been actively functional in rejuvenating dormant IEEE student branches as well as starting New IEEE student branches. In last 2 year period, NKSS has started new IEEE student branches in IIIT Dharwad, VNIT Shorapur, SLNCE Raichur, SharanaBasava University Kalburgi and KBN University Kalburgi. NKSS has also initiated start of student branch chapters – IEEE PES Student chapters in GIT Belagavi and KLEIT Hubballi, IEEE AESS student chapter in, IEEE ITS student chapter in GNDEC Kalburgi and , IEEE MTS Student Chapter in , IEEE Computer Society Student Chapter in GIT Belagavi. Apart from this, NKSS has encouraged organization of Seminars, Webinars, Technical workshops and Industry visits for IEEE student members of the region.
The first AGM of IEEE NKSS was held online in the month of Jan 2022. The new office bearers of NKSS took charge under the chairmanship of Dr. B. S. Anami in Jan 2022. The beginning has been highly encouraging with enthusiasm and vigor in the hearts of North Karnataka IEEE members organizing conferences, events, symposiums, workshops and seminars for teaching fraternity, students as well as industry personnel.