
春と秋に開催される学生発表会 (Midland Student Express) では,優秀な発表に対してIEEE AP-S Nagoya Chapter Midland Student Express Awardが授与されます.



Midland Student Express 2024 Spring 受賞者

氏名 所属 題目
Hayato Ide Kanazawa Institute of Technology Measurement Evaluation of Multi-Frequency Shared Antenna Using MACKEY A-Shaped Structure

Midland Student Express 2023 Autumn 受賞者

氏名 所属 題目
Ryusei Yamada Kanazawa Institute of Technology Proposal for Broadband Reflectarray Antenna by Controlling Phase Center of Primary Radiator

Midland Student Express 2023 Spring 受賞者

氏名 所属 題目
Daisuke Homma Shizuoka University Multi-Stage Tapers Suppressing Sidelobes and Beamwidth Fluctuations of Vivaldi Antennas

Midland Student Express 2019 Autumn 受賞者

氏名 所属 題目
Tasuku Endo University of Fukui Estimation of DOA and No. of waves using periodical stationarity in OFDM
Ryoya Honda Toyohashi University of Technology Center-Fed Composite Right- and Left-Handed Capacitive Coupling Electrified Roadway for Acceleration Enhancement in Mini 4WD Drag Race Held at Pacifico Yokohama 2019

Midland Student Express 2019 Spring 受賞者

氏名 所属 題目
Taiga Katsu Nagoya Institute of Technology A Study on Line-of-Sight MIMO Communication Using Orbital Angular Momentum
Ryohei Yamaguchi Nagoya Institute of Technology Delta-Doping Effect in Normally-off GaN-cap/AlGaN/GaN HEMT on Electrical Properties

Midland Student Express 2018 Autumn 受賞者

氏名 所属 題目
Yuhji Nakada Shizuoka University Debye Parameter Extraction of Breast Tissue and Proposal of Novel Tumor Marker
Ayano Mikunide Fukui University Specific Area Communication System using Virtual Linear Array

Midland Student Express 2018 Spring 受賞者

氏名 所属 題目
Shota Ino Nagoya Institute of Technology Input Angle Independent Frequency Selective Surface for Low Reflection Characteristic of Multi-layer Dielectric Plate
Tomoya Osaki Shizuoka University Microwave Mammography Using Bilateral Symmetry of Breast Tissue
Shinji Nimura Toyohashi University of Technology Matching Method for Cavity Resonance enabled WPT utilizing the Monopole probe with the Variable Reactance Circuit
Tatsuya Morita Toyohashi University of Technology Integrated Structure of Filter and Element in Array Antenna for 5th Generation

Midland Student Express 2017 Autumn 受賞者

氏名 所属 題目
Hirofumi Segawa Kanazawa University Visualization of electromagnetic waves using Mixed Reality technique
Yamawaki Yuichi Nagoya Institute of Technology A Study of Reduction of SAR for Wireless Power Transfer of Visual Prosthesis Using Shielded Loop