APRIL 2022
FEATURED ARTICLE                              
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Join the 2022 IEEE SIGHT Day CelebrationIEEE SIGHT Day on 28 April provides an opportunity to recognize humanitarian technology activities for their unique value to IEEE and celebrate what IEEE members around the world are doing to advance technology for the benefit of humanity in their local communities. All are invited to participate in the events, sessions, and activities organized by the IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC) and SIGHT from 25 – 29 April. LEARN MORE
WHAT MEMBERS ARE READING                   
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10 Ways to Enhance Your Personal Productivity

Don’t work harder, work smarter. Here are 10 tips to help you be more productive. READ MORE

Choose Radical Acceptance in the Workplace

What is radical acceptance, and how can we use it in the workplace to identify and address potential problems? Author Jacquelyn Adams shares some tips. READ MORE

How USB Came To Be

Intel’s 26-year-old plug-and-play tech, now an IEEE Milestone. READ MORE

Mixed Reality Could Turn Robots Into Extensions of You

Todd Richard, an IEEE member and Director of the Tech + Narrative Lab at Pardee RAND Graduate School talks using virtual reality to control robots remotely. READ MORE

NxtBook Digital Editions of IEEE Spectrum and The Institute Discontinued

Members will no longer receive a NxtBook digital edition of the two publications. Instead they can download a PDF of any issue—a members-only benefit—by signing into the Spectrum website using their IEEE Account. READ MORE

Getting More Students to Develop Tech That Benefits Society

IEEE Fellow Deborah Estrin on Cornell’s Public Interest Tech Initiative. READ MORE

AI Could Help Increase the IVF Success Rate

Algorithms developed by David Silver and IEEE Fellow Alex Bronstein help doctors create better treatment plans for aspiring parents. READ MORE

ACTIVITIES AROUND IEEE                    

IEEE Members Can Stay More Connected Now Than Ever!

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Save the Date for 2022 IEEE DayWe’re excited to announce that IEEE Day will take place on 4 October 2022. Start to think about ways you can celebrate the event and to get involved. More details will be announced on the IEEE Day social media channels and the IEEE Day website. Join the IEEE Collabratec IEEE Day Community to stay updated. LEARN MORE
WIE Celebrates 25 Years: Watch the 12 Hour Global MarathonThis 12-hour online on-demand series covered IEEE regions around the world with presentations, invited speakers, and more. A full year of celebrations and key moments reflect on the great progress and achievements made by great women in STEM within the IEEE. LEARN MORE
AVA-site-bug-gold-preview-300x290.png Recognized in International Awards CompetitionOther award recipients included corporations, higher education institutions, sports organizations and non profit associations. Awards are presented in a variety of categories including digital campaigns, website development, social media engagement, and mobile marketing. LEARN MORE
Host a Data Competition on IEEE DataPortIEEE DataPort platform includes a Data Competitions Module that enables researchers to collect valuable feedback and analysis on their research data. To initiate a Data Competition, create a time-limited data challenge on IEEE DataPort and invite members of the global technical community, or a select set of participants, to provide specific analyses or make predictions based on the dataset. LEARN MORE
Call for Nominations: IEEE Medals & RecognitionsNominations will be open from 1 December to 15 June for IEEE Medals and Recognitions For more information email: awards@ieee.orgLEARN MORE

Nominate the Next IEEE Leaders

The IEEE Nominations and Appointments Committee is now accepting applications for the 2023 IEEE Committee Member and the 2024 President-Elect Positions. LEARN MORE

Volunteers Needed for IEEE Awards

The IEEE Awards Board seeks new volunteers to serve on its award selection committees and Awards Board standing committees to assist with managing the recipient nomination and selection process for IEEE Medals, Technical Field Awards, and Recognitions—the highest awards IEEE presents on behalf of the IEEE Board of Directors. LEARN MORE


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Let UPS Help You Lower Your Shipping Costs

Did you know in 2021, IEEE members in the US and Canada saved $343,281.08 on shipping? With the IEEE member-only UPS program, you can put the power of expert shipping to work and find out how you can save too. Sign in to learn more. LEARN MORE


Free Webinar: Identifying the Top Five Types of Identity Theft and How You Can Protect Yourself

IEEE members can join Aura Identity Guard as they walk you through the top five types of identity theft, how you can spot them, and the solution IEEE is offering its members in the US to help protect you and your family online. Join and register for a one hour presentation on 3 May 2022 at 1:00 pm ET to learn more, presented by Aura Identity Guard, through IEEE Member Discounts. REGISTER NOW


FREE! IEEE PES Women In Power Education Bundle

We are proud to offer a free bundle of 8 products presented by WomenInPower (WiP) in our #IEEE PES Resource Center. Enter promo code PESWIP at checkout. Offer expires 25 April 2022. LEARN MORE


IEEE Virtual Events Calendar

Emotional Intelligence Part II 11AM ET 27 April