The IEEE Young Professionals Affinity Group Kharagpur Section in collaboration with IEEE Kharagpur Section, is pleased to announce a distinguished lecture in the “KYP Talks” series. In this series, we will host invited talks by experts from India and abroad on a wide range of current topics for the large community within and outside the IEEE Kharagpur Section.

In this series, we are pleased to host Dr. Kalyan K. Sen, Ph. D., PE, MBA, IEEE Fellow, Fulbright Scholar (U.S.), GIAN Scholar (India), IEEE PES Distinguished Lecture President & CTO, Sen Engineering Solutions, Inc.

The following are the details of the KYP talk in this series:

Title: SMART Power Flow Controllers – A Necessity for Future Power Grid

Speaker: Dr. Kalyan K. Sen

Date: 9th September 2022, Friday

Time: 04:00 PM – 6.00 PM IST

Venue: N221, KVR Seminar hall in Electrical Engineering Department, IIT Kharagpur

All are welcome.

We look forward to seeing you there!

With Regards,


IEEE Young Professional Affinity Group   Kharagpur Section.


Dr. Kalyan Sen,

Ph.D., PE, MBA,

IEEE Fellow,

President & Chief Technology Officer of Sen Engineering Solutions, Inc.

Kalyan Sen, Ph.D., PE, MBA, IEEE Fellow, President/Chief Technology Officer of Sen Engineering Solutions, Inc. ( specializes in developing SMART power flow controllers. Prior to this role, he worked for 33 years in academia and industry. He conceived some of the basic concepts in power flow control technology for which he was elevated to the IEEE Fellow grade with the citation: for the development and application of power flow control technology.

Kalyan has authored or co-authored more than 25 peer-reviewed publications, 8 issued patents, 2 books, and 3 book chapters in the areas of power flow control and power electronics. His interests are in power converters, control systems, electrical machines, and power system simulations and studies. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Pennsylvania and New York.

As an IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Distinguished Lecturer, he gave presentations on power flow control technology more than 150 times in 16 countries. He is an AdCom Member of the Power Electronics Society (PELS) and serves as the PELS Region 4-6 Chair. He is the IEEE Division II Representative to the Board of Governors of Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT) and serves as the Chapters Committee Chair. He has served as a Fulbright Scholar twice and GIAN Scholar once.

Power flow control techniques have been practiced, from using inductors, capacitors, transformers, and load tap changers in the earlier days of electrical engineering to power electronics-based solutions in recent years. Even though the costs and complexities of the available solutions vary widely, the basic underlying theory of power flow control is still the same as it always has been. The question is which solution one should employ. The answer depends on knowing what the true need is. The power industry’s pressing need for the most economical ways to transfer bulk power along the desired path may be met by building new transmission lines, which is a long and costly process. Alternatively, it may be quicker and cheaper to utilize the existing transmission lines more efficiently. The key is to identify the underutilized transmission lines and harness their dormant capacity to increase the power flows to the lines’ thermal limits.

The presentation is designed to provide the basic principles of power flow control theory, an overview of the most commonly used power flow controllers, and future trends. The audience will hear from an expert who actually designed and commissioned a number of power electronics-based FACTS controllers since their inceptions in the 1990s.