Overview of Battery State-of-Charge Estimation, Prof. Shubhendu Bhasin, July 2021
Abstract: Electric vehicles (EVs) are increasingly becoming the future of transportation technology since they offer a greener alternative to conventional fossil fuel-based vehicles. The most important component in an EV is the battery pack and the associated Battery Management System (BMS) which monitors the state of the battery, specifically the state-of-charge (SoC), the state-of-health (SoH), temperature, etc, and thus improves battery performance while ensuring safety. The SoC, similar to a fuel gauge, indicates the amount of charge remaining in the battery and can be used to determine how far the vehicle can go before needing to recharge and is, therefore, a key component of a BMS. However, the SoC cannot be directly measured using a sensor and needs to be estimated. This talk provides an overview of popular methods used for SoC estimation, including some of our recently developed model-based approaches. Limitations of existing SoC estimation methods and future challenges will also be discussed.
Speaker Bio: Shubhendu Bhasin is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at IIT Delhi. His research interests are in the area of nonlinear adaptive and learning control with a current application focus in robotics, biomedical and battery management systems. He received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, in 2011.