On 5th of April, 2017, Representatives of Students Activity Committee (SAC), IEEE Karachi section paid a visit to its newly founded student branch i.e. IEEE DUET at Dawood University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi. Student Branch Counselor, Ms. Samreen Amir and Student Branch Chairperson, Mr. Fasih Baig warmly welcomed Mr. Shaikh Muhammmad Anas, Student Section Representative (SSR) and Mr. Hesham, Project Coordinator IEEE Karachi Section. The session began with the brief introduction about IEEE. Attendees were informed about how a student branch should operate, reporting and funding opportunities available to them. Volunteers of the newly formed student branch were informed about the fellowships, grants and scholarships that IEEE provides. The session was concluded within an hour.
IEEE Karachi SAC Team visits DUET