Call for IEEE Region 10 Outstanding Volunteer Award Nomination

Call for IEEE Region 10 Outstanding Volunteer Award Nomination

IEEE Region 10 recognizes and values the important role of members as volunteers to promote the IEEE objectives in the region. The R10 Outstanding Volunteer Award aims to recognize those volunteers who have made outstanding contributions to a particular Region 10 Section.

Eligibility Ÿ An IEEE member of any membership grade in good standing. Ÿ The candidate’s volunteer work is, or has been, on behalf of a Section. The candidate must have been active for at least 2 years in the Section and is not currently the Section Chair. Ÿ The candidate receives no remuneration for his/her volunteer work for the Section except reimbursement of expenses incurred in carrying out the volunteer work. Ÿ The incumbent R10 Awards & Recognition Committee Chair, Director and Secretary, and the immediate past R10 Director are not eligible for the Award. Ÿ Previous winners of the R10 Outstanding Volunteer Award are not eligible. Nomination Conditions Ÿ Nomination form is available at Ÿ The Nomination Form must be completed by a Proposer and a Seconder who are familiar with the work and contribution of the candidate. Both Proposer and Seconder must be IEEE members of any membership grade. The nominations must be made through the Section Chair, who must endorse and sign the Nomination Form (the Chairperson may also act as Proposer or Seconder). Ÿ Nominations must be received by the IEEE Region 10 Awards & Recognition Committee Chair not later than end of August in electronic means (pdf file). Make sure that an acknowledgement is received after sending the completed form, or it should be assumed that the submission is not received. Ÿ A section shall not put forward more than one candidate at any one time.

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