The Future Engineer Grand Challenge
The Future Engineer Project is a National student competition supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education in China. Since 2004, there are over 2 million students nationwide joining this event. The Future Engineer Grand Challenge is organized by the Hong Kong STEM Education Alliance since 2019. IEEE Hong Kong Section is one of the co-organizers with Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) and The Institution of Engineering and Technology Hong Kong Section (HKIET), the other two major engineering organizations in Hong Kong. The objective is to advocate the importance of STEM education in Hong Kong and in the world for cultivating young engineers. This year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the rules of the challenge have been changed from face to face to online presentation. All participants are required to submit the video records that capture the innovative STEM-related project only. In total, the FTL Grand Challenge has received 84 submissions from 11 primary schools and 18 secondary schools in Hong Kong, as compared to 65 in 2019. At last, 6 different student teams were nominated to attend the grand final in Beijing, with 6 grand prizes awarded.