Congratulations to all award recipients from R10 community!
Congratulatory Announcement:
On 20 November 2021, the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA)
Board approved the recipient of the:- 2021 MGA Larry K. Wilson Transnational Award:
Ramalatha Marimuthu
Region 10 β Madras Section, India
βFor conceptualizing and creating IEEE YESIST12, a global
project-based service learning for students and young professionalsβ
ββββββββββββββββββββββββββ 2021 MGA Innovation Award:
IEEE Kerala Section Interns Team:
Alan Mathew Uluvathu, Neeraj Ipe, Jacob Thomas, Lekshmi Priya B.,
Rojin K. Sunny, Neha Baju, Anushri P., Eby Kurian,
Fathima Nazreen, Gautham P. R., Aleena Anna Robin, Gokul C. M., Arshad
Danish, Abhijith Kannan, Akhil Krishna U., Devanand A.,
Juliya Francis, Sreerag N., Divya Anu Kurian, Remajothi Satheesh K.
(R10), Kerala Section
βFor the innovative idea of a web app named IEEE Kerala Section More
in no Time, which provides a one-stop solution for Section resources
and communicationsβ
ββββββββββββββββββββββββββ 2021 MGA Leadership Award:
From IEEE Region 10
Paulina Yenbic Chan
Region 10 β Hong Kong Section, Hong Kong
βFor exemplary leadership and contributions to the IEEE Hong Kong Sectionβ
ββββββββββββββββββββββββββ 2021 MGA Achievement Award:
From IEEE Region 10
Rajendra Kumar Asthana
Region 10 β Delhi Section, India
βFor outstanding efforts in developing innovative strategies, and
improving engagement and growth of Life Member Affinity Groups in
Region 10β³
Sri Niwas Singh
Region 10 β Uttar Pradesh Section, India
βFor exemplary leadership and distinguished contributions at Section,
Council, and Region levelsβ
Dr. Preeti Bajaj
Region 10 β Bombay Section, India
βFor exemplary contributions and dynamic leadership in achieving rapid
transformation of IEEE Educational Activities within several
geographic unitsβ
Dr. Stefan Mozar
Region 10 β New South Wales Section, Australia
βFor leadership in establishing a consumer electronics chapter-based
global community within IEEEβ
Celia Shahnaz
Region 10 β Bangladesh Section, Bangladesh
βFor designing impactful activities that ensured member engagement
within local and global levels β
ββββββββββββββββββββββββββ 2021 MGA Young Professionals Achievement Award:
From IEEE Region 10
Haroon Rashid
(R10), Malaysia, Section
βFor significant contributions to IEEE Young Professionals in Malaysiaβ
Saaveethya Sivakumar
(R10), Malaysia, Section
βFor exemplary efforts and leadership towards enhancing member
benefits for young professionals and promoting student-to-young
professionals transitionsβ
Pooja Sharma K
(R10), Madras Section
βFor outstanding contributions in Young Professionals and WIE
activities at the Section and Region levelsβ
Muhammad Hamza Ihtisham
(R10), Lahore Section
βFor significant contributions in organizing IEEE Young Professional activitiesβ
Ashvanth Babu
(R10), Madras Section
βFor outstanding contributions to local and regional IEEE Young
Professional and Student activitiesβ
ββββββββββββββββββββββββββ 2021 Organizational Supporting Friend of IEEE MGA Award:
From IEEE Region 10
GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women
Region 10 β Maysuru, India
βFor organizing multiple editions of the IEEE ICEECCOT conferenceβ