5th Online Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence (OnCV&AI) workshop
Welcome to the 5th Online Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence
(OnCV&AI) workshop held Sep. 6th to 10th, 2021 with a focus on computer
vision and AI using edge computing on OpenCV AI Kit with Depth (OAK-D).
This workshop is arranged with the support of OpenCV, IEEE Tainan
Section, IEEE Shin-etsu Section, IEEE Nagoya Section, IEEE Sendai
Section, IEEE Hong Kong Section, Luxonis, Crowdhelix, AI + Industry,
Visii, Virtual Internships, TEUICP, and Taiwan Artificial Intelligence
Association by the Nordling lab at the National Cheng Kung University in
Tainan, Taiwan. This workshop is the last, in the current series of
five, created for engineers and PhD/graduate students to explore online
computer vision and artificial intelligence techniques consisting of a
week-long series of seminars and a hackathon.
Gray Bradski, Founder and President of OpenCV, and Pierre-Nicolas
Tiffreau, Founder and CTO of Picsellia are two of the featured speakers.
We believe in open source & knowledge and give you the recordings of our
speakers and hackathons to freely watch on YouTube and Twitch when ever
you choose and any additional material/code for you to download from our
workshop websites. Join over 1000 registered participants, watch a
recording already today, and determine the future of this workshop
series through our registration survey.
Everyone that has registered one day before the hackathon will also by
email receive an invitation for a NETWORKING EVENT to meet fellow
participants, the organising team, and a few of the speakers.
Further information and registration on https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://bit.ly/3n1rBDj__;!!KjDnqvtInNPT!1-ap6PgyXSa9XpNPWamK0lpGVAb692m6SDmulKeJgC8U1fG8QR89tfjUnCOd7hH5sIUz$
We look forward to your participation.
Best Regards,
Torbjörn Nordling
General Chair of OnCV&AI
Assistant Professor in Automatic Control,
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
Joint Faculty of Miin Wu School of Computing
Senior Lecturer in Media Technology,
Dept. of Applied Physics and Electronics, Umeå University
Principal Investigator at the Nordling Lab
Check out www.nordlinglab.org