Hong Kong Section sponsors an invited Panel Discussion at the IEEE WIE flagship International Leadership Conference (ILC 2021)
Hong Kong Section sponsors an invited Panel Discussion at the IEEE WIE
flagship International Leadership Conference (ILC 2021). Members and
guests from more than 50 countries are expected to participate
virtually from April 27 to 30.
Panel Discussion Title:
Voices from WIE Asia
sponsored by IEEE Hong Kong Section
IEEE Hong Kong has launched a professional series recognizing Asian
women in multidisciplinary STEM. Proudly highlighting the journeys of
representative women across IEEE membership grades, the panel will
explore their reasons for entering the profession, the evolution of
their careers, advice they have for early career professionals, and
how they build their support networks, in particular embracing the new
norm during and post-pandemic,
Moderator: Dr Paulina Chan
Panelists: 4 WIE representatives across membership grades from Hong
Kong Section