Invitation to Participate in the Virtual IEEE TENSYMP 2020
You will be glad to know that IEEE TENSYMP 2020 is going to be organized during 5-7 June 2020 as a Full Virtual Conference even in this COVID19 pandemic under total travel restriction all over the world with a view to ensure timely dissemination of authors’ research outcomes. This will be the first online flagship conference of IEEE Region 10 to be jointly organized by the IEEE Asia Pacific Region (IEEE Region 10) and the IEEE Bangladesh Section.
The TENSYMP 2020 was supposed to be held as a face to face conference at Dhaka, Bangladesh which attracted 1030 valid submissions from 19 countries and after double-blind reviews, 446 papers were finally accepted and registered (43%) for presentation including more than 100 foreign papers involving authors from 17 countries. The conference will also host world-class 13 Keynote Talks and 25 Invited Talks from 13 countries and many other parallel events (special sessions, workshop/meeting, special tracks (e.g. WIE, YP, HAC, Industry-academia, SAC, tutorials).
We feel honored that the IEEE President Toshio Fukuda, IEEE MGA Vice President Kukjin Chun, IEEE R10 Director Akinori Nishihara and IEEE R10 Director-Elect Deepak Mathur have given their kind consents to grace the Inaugural Ceremony to be held on 5 June 2020 at 10:00 AM Bangladesh Standard Time (GMT + 6 hours).
Moreover, it is our honor that IEEE R10 Past Director and IEEE R10 Advisory Committee Member Lawrence Wong and IEEE R10 Director Akinori Nishihara have agreed to join the Closing Ceremony to be held on 7th June 2020 at 07:30 PM Bangladesh Standard Time (GMT + 6 hours).
In order to offer the opportunity to join and share the knowledge, the conference organizers have made the conference participation fully complementary through a simple registration accessible via the link.
For further details please stay tuned with the IEEE TENSYMP 2020 conference website.
Our heartfelt thanks to all the contributors to this conference and hope the conference can serve as a very useful resource for the scientific community.
On behalf of the IEEE TENSYMP 2020 Committee,
Celia Shahnaz
General Chair, IEEE TENSYMP 2020
Asia & Pacific – Region 10 :