Latest Past Events
Advanced Urban Remote Sensing Workshop
University of Hong Kong Social Sciences Chamber, 11F, The Jockey Club Tower,Centennial Campus, HKU, Pokfulam Road, Hong KongWe are living in an urbanizing world and witnessing significant environmental and socio-economic changes. The urban remote sensing workshop aims at introducing the status, development, advances, opportunities, and challenges in urban remote sensing. The workshop will demonstrate the state of the art of urban remote sensing methods, applications, and its implication for sustainable development. It will consist of one and a half day’s workshop and a half-day field trip. The workshop includes talks from urban remote sensing experts to give an overview of urban remote sensing research in recent decades. The field trip will be conducted in the compact high-rise urban areas in Hong Kong, which can combine the urban remote sensing theory and immersive field experience in the high and intensive urbanization areas. To this end, this workshop brings together the leading scientists from academic institutions and end users from the industry for a comprehensive urban remote sensing discussion and in-situ field survey experience.
Microwave Photonic Radars
Santa Clara, California, Virtual: by: MTT-SCV (CH06085) Speaker(s): Shilong Pan, Santa Clara, California, Virtual: