Women In Engineering (WIE)

Women In Engineering (WIE)

The Women In Engineering (WIE) Affinity Group of IEEE Delhi Section was formed with Dr. Mini S. Thomas, SMIEEE, of Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi as its Interim Chairperson on September 21, 2004. Subsequently with her as Chairperson regular Executive Committee was constituted. Present EXECOM of the Affinity Group, as communicated on May 30, 2024, consists of the following members:

Sl. No. Name Officer Position Affiliation
1. Dr. Rashmi Agarwal Chairperson J C Bose University of Science and technology, Faridabad
2. Dr.Sneha Kabra Secretary SRCASW, Delhi University
3. Prof. Shruti Jain Treasurer Jaypee University, Waknaghat H.P
4. Prof Mridula Gupta Member Dept. of Electronic Science, UDSC
5. Ms. Tarini Bansal Member Railways
6. Prof. Priya Mahajan Member DTU
7. Dr. Manpreet Kaur Member Manav Rachna University
8. Prof. Rachana Garg Member DTU
9. Prof. Prerna gaur Member NSUT
10. Prof. Ashu Verma Member IIT Delhi
11. Dr. Shivani Sharma Member Hitachi
12. Prof. Jasdeep Kaur Dhanoa Member IGDTUW
In additionall past chairs are members. Activities of the Affinity Group in 2023 may be found under the list of Technical, Professional, Non-Technical, and Administrative events of the Section. A large number of members and guests attended these activities. To know more about activities of WIE Affinity Group, Delhi in the past please look at Women in Engineering @Delhi, marching to new heights on activities held in 2007 & 2008, Activity-Report-WIE-Delhi-2011, and earlier report.  

For contacting Affinity Group Chair use e-mail[email protected]

(Consult Consolidated list of Delhi Section for other details.)

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