Technology & Engineering Management

Technology & Engineering Management

The Engineering Management Society Delhi Chapter started in Delhi with Mr. R. K. Vir, SMIEEE (ex-Railways) as its interim Chairman on September 29, 1998. Subsequently in the AGM of November 28, 1998 under the leadership of Mr. Vir an EXECOM of 7 Members assumed the office. On January 01, 2008 Engineering Management Society was changed to Technology Management Council. Again from January 01, 2015 it is known as Technology & Engineering Management Society. Activities of the Chapter in 2023 may be found under the list of Technical, Professional, Non-Technical, and Administrative events of the Section. EXECOM of the Chapter, on ad-hoc basis due to continuance of COVID 19 Pandemic, as approved by the IEEE Delhi Section Chair on May 12, 2021, consists of the following members:
Sl. No. Position Name Organization
1. Chair Prof. K. Subramanian Ex-NIC
2. Treasurer Ms.Tarini Baswal Railways
3. Member Prof. M. N. Hoda BVICAM
4. Member Mr. Vijay K.Dutt Ex-Railways
5. Member Dr. Shyam Sunder Tyagi MRIIRS
6. Member Dr. A. Murali M. Rao IGNOU
7. Past-Chair Mr. VijayDevnath CRIS

For contacting Chapter Chair use e-mail[email protected]    

(Consult Consolidated list of Delhi Section for other details.)