Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT)


The IEEE SIGHT (Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology) was inaugurated by Dr. Peter Staecker (IEEE President 2013) on December 15, 2011, in Trivandrum, Kerala, India and the first petition to form a SIGHT group was submitted on 28 April 2012. In the year 2020, the SIGHT Steering Committee decided to celebrate 28 April as SIGHT Day in recognition of the first SIGHT group petition submission. However, by that time in the second decade itself of the 21st century, SIGHT of IEEE Delhi Section was formed with Ravindra Joshi, SMIEEE, of TPDDL Delhi as its Chairperson. Subsequently although Ravindra Joshi Chaired it several years, in between other volunteers too provided leadership in his absence from the country in particular. Activities of the Special Interest Group in 2023 may be found under the list of Technical, Professional, Non-Technical, and Administrative events of the Section. With Prof. Abdul Q Ansari of Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi provising the leadership as Chair since January 01, 2022, present Committee with effect from January 01, 2024, consists of the following members:

Sl. No. Position Name Organization
1. Chairperson Prof. Abdul Q Ansari JMI New Delhi
2. Vice-Chair Ramneek Kalra Amazon Web Services Inc., Delhi
3. Secretary Prof. Manpreet Kaur Manav-Rachna, Faridabad
4. Treasurer Dr. Sneha Kabra DU
5. Past-Chair Ravindra Joshi Ex-TPDDL
6. Member Prof. Meenu Khurana Chitkara University (HP)
7. Member Prof. Shruti Jain JUIT Waknaghat (HP)
8. Member Dr. Rashmi Agarwal JCBUST Faridabad

For contacting Special Interest Group Chair use e-mail: [email protected]
Consolidated list of Delhi Section for other details.)