Intelligent Transportation Systems

Intelligent Transportation Systems

Formation of the Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (ITSS) Chapter under the IEEE Delhi Section was communicated by IEEE MGA on August 07, 2019 with date of Chapter formation as July 31, 2019 to its Chair, Dr. Ayesha Choudhary, MIEEE, of JNU (Jawahar Lal Nehru University), New Delhi. Activities of the Chapter in 2023 may be found under the list of Technical, Professional, Non-Technical, and Administrative events of the Section. EXECOM of the Chapter that assumed office on February 27, 2020 consists of the following members:
Sl. No. Position Name Organization
1. Chair Dr. Ayesha Choudhary JNU
2. Vice-Chair Prof. J. Panda DTU
3. Treasurer Prof. S. Indu DTU
4. Joint-Treasurer Mr. Bhavnesh Jaint DTU
5. Secretary Dr. Jayanthi DTU
6. Joint-Secretary Mr. Ashish Kulkarni DTU

For contacting Chapter Chair use e-mail: [email protected]

(Consult Consolidated list of Delhi Section for other details.)