Consultants Network (CN)

Consultants Network (CN)

The Consultants Network (CN) Affinity Group of IEEE Delhi Section was formed with Dr. Subrata Mukhopadhyay, SMIEEE, of Central Electricity Authority, New Delhi as its Interim Chairperson on November 12, 2005. Subsequently with him as Chairperson a five-member Executive Committee was constituted in its Annual General Meeting of December 11, 2005. Activities of the Affinity Group in 2023 may be found under the list of Technical, Professional, Non-Technical, and Administrative events of the Section. EXECOM continuing from January 17, 2016, consists of the following members:
Sl. No. Position Name Organization
1. Chairperson Prof. Subrata Mukhopadhyay NSUT
2. Secretary-cum-Treasurer Prof. Dinesh K. Jain DCRUST
3. Past Chair VACANT
4. Member Prof. Bhim Singh IIT-D
5. Member Mr. Daman Dev Sood Continuity and Resilience
6. Member Dr. Sukumar Mishra IIT-D
7. Member Mr. Rajendra K. Asthana Ex-BHEL

For contacting Affinity Group Chair use e-mail[email protected]

(Consult Consolidated list of Delhi Section for other details.)