IEEE Delhi Section By-laws

(as amended with effect from January 31, 2010)

In all instances, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Bylaws. Constitution, MGAB Operations Manual and IEEE Policy and Procedures will prevail when there is a conflict between these documents and Section Bylaws.
Article-I: Name and Territory
  • This organization shall be known as the Delhi Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
  • The territory of the Delhi Section as designated by the IEEE Regional Activities Board includes at present four states of Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, and the National Capital Territory of Delhi, Union Territories of Chandigarh, Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh.
  • The Delhi Section shall have its principal offices in the city of Delhi from which it shall carry out its management and other administrative functions.
Article-II: Officers
  • The elected officers of the Section shall be Chairperson, two Vice-Chairpersons, Secretary, Joint Secretary and Treasurer. One of the Vice Chairpersons shall be designated as Executive Vice Chairperson, who shall take over from the Chairperson for the next term.
  • Duties of elected officers will be available from Regional Activities Department (RAD).
Article-III: Term of Office
  • The term of office of the Section Executive Committee as defined in Article-5.1 shall be one year beginning on 1st January, but in any case the outgoing Section Executive Committee will continue until their successors are duly elected and take office.
  • Any vacancy occurring during the year shall be filled by majority vote of the Section Executive Committee.
Article-IV: Executive Committee
  • Section Executive Committee shall constitute Standing Committees which will be responsible for functions listed below:
    •  Membership Development
    • Awards and Fellow Nomination
    • Student and Educational Activities
    • Public Relations and Publication
    • Intersociety Relations
    • Section History
    • Finance
    • Technical and Professional Activities
    • Nomination
    • Humanitarian Technology Challenge
  • The Chairperson of each of the Committees, except the Finance Committee, will be appointed by the Section Executive Committee, from amongst the members of the Executive Committee and their term will be concurrent with that of the Chairperson.
  • Each Standing Committee Chairperson, except Finance and Nomination Committee, may appoint his Committee Members in a manner that representation from inside and outside the Executive Committee is maintained, to ensure that Section operations have base broader than the Executive Committee.
  • The duties of the Standing Committee will be available from Regional Activities Department (RAD).
Article-V: Management
  • Management of the Section shall be by the Section Executive Committee which shall consist of the elected officers, nine elected members, one student member representative, immediate past Chairperson, Chairpersons of all Sub-sections and Chairpersons of all Groups / Society Chapters / Officers of India Council, if located in Delhi as ex-officio Members. More Members not exceeding four may be co-opted by the Section Executive Committee. Immediate past Chairperson shall be included in the Section Executive Committee. In case of his / her absence / non-availability, any one of the past Chairpersons shall be included. Out of the nine elected members at least two shall be new entrant. The Delhi Section Student Representative shall be nominated by the Section Executive committee.
  • Meeting of the Section Executive Committee will ordinarily be held bi-monthly and will be called by the Section Chairperson or by a written request of any five Members of the Section Executive Committee. Executive Committee members are expected to attend at least 50% meetings of the Executive Committee.
  • 50% members of the Section Executive Committee (excluding the co-opted ones, but including ex-officio ones) shall constitute a quorum and the business shall be conducted by majority vote.
  • The financial year of the Section shall be one year with effect from 1st January.
Article-VI: Nomination and Election of Section Executive Committee
  • A nomination Committee consisting of three members other than present office bearers shall be appointed by the Section Executive Committee. Immediate past Chairperson of the Section (if available) failing which any past Chairperson shall be Committee Chairperson. The Nomination Committee shall not nominate any of its members as officer in the slate.
  • The nominations of the Nomination Committee will be announced to the Section Membership and, following this, a minimum of 28 days allowed for additional nominations by petition. To be valid, the petition must be signed by 25 or more voting members.
  • If only one nomination is made for each office, the election will be made at the Annual Meeting. If additional nominations are made, election will be made by ballot mailed to the voting membership and the vote counted by a Committee appointed by the Section Chairperson. Members other than Students shall be the voting members.
  • The suggested time table for this procedure is as follows:
    •  1st September – Appointment of Nomination Committee
    •  1st October   – Announcement of Nominations
    •  1st November  – Close Nomination by petition
    • 15th November  – Mailing of ballots
    • 15th December  – Hold Annual Meeting
  • A plurality of votes cast shall be necessary for election.
Article-VII: General Meeting
  • Annual General Meeting of Section Membership is called by Section Chairperson in consultation with Executive Committee for presentation of Annual Report, Election of Office Bearers & Executive Committee Members and any other agenda formulated by Executive Committee.
  • In order to transact business in General Meeting at least 25 voting members (quorum) must be present. However, if the required quorum is not present at the scheduled starting time of the Meeting, then the General Body may be adjourned. The Meeting may be reconvened after waiting for half an hour to transact the slated business without waiting for the quorum.
  • Special General Meeting can be requisitioned by a petition signed by not less than 25 voting members submitted to the Section Chairperson, who in consultation with Executive Committee will call the Meeting within two months with proper formulation of agenda.
  • Notices for any General Meeting shall be mailed at least one month in advance and shall include date, time, venue and agenda for the meeting.
Article-VIII: Finances
  • All expenditure of Section funds must be approved by the Finance Committee.
  • The Finance Committee shall consist of the following :
    • Chairperson: Section Treasurer
    • Member: Immediate past Chairperson of the Section if available, otherwise one member appointed by the Section Chairperson
    • Member: One member appointed by the Section Chairperson
  • Without prior authorization of the Executive Committee, Section funds can only be used for normal operation of the Section.
  • The Treasurer jointly with either the Chairperson or Secretary or Joint Secretary shall be authorized to draw funds as approved by the Section Executive Committee.
Article-IX: Amendments
  • Proposals for amendment to these Bylaws may originate in the Section Executive Committee or by a petition signed by 25 or more voting members, which shall become operative if adopted at General Body Meeting by majority vote.
  • Amendments to or revocation to these Bylaws shall be in accordance with the IEEE Bylaws, RAB Bylaws and RAB Operations Manual.
Article-X: Sub-Section
  • Members of any town may through a petition signed by 20 or more members and approved by the Executive Committee form a Sub-section for the purpose of organizing activities of the Section in that town.
  • A Sub-section will be managed by a Committee elected annually, comprising of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, immediate past Chairperson and not less than three Executive Committee Members.
  • The Chairperson of the Sub-section shall be an ex-officio Member of the Section Executive Committee and shall be responsible to the Section Executive Committee for liaison and maintaining relations with Section Executive Committee. He / she shall report from time to time to the Section Executive Committee, regarding the activities of the Sub-section.
  • Sub-section Chairperson will submit to the Section Secretary by the 31st December of each year, a consolidated report of meetings held during the year and a report on Sub-section financial operations. The Sub-section shall send to the Chairperson, Vice-Chairpersons and Secretary of Section Executive Committee every circular or notification, it sends to its members.
  • Sub-section shall receive annual financial support depending upon its membership and its meeting programmes.
Article-XI: Subsections / Groups / Society Chapters
  • Each Chapter of the Section shall have own Bylaws in consonance with Bylaws of Section and IEEE.
  • Chairpersons of Chapters of Section can have a maximum tenure of four years.