About the Founding Chairman
Dr. Swades De received BTech in radiophysics and electronics from University of Calcutta, India (1993), MTech in optoelectronics and optical communication from IIT Delhi, India (1998), and PhD in electrical engineering from the SUNY at Buffalo, USA (2004). He is a full professor of Electrical Engineering and an Institute Chair Professor at IIT Delhi, and currently the head of Bharti School of Telecommunication. He was a tenure-track assistant professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA (2004-2007), he worked in ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy, as an ERCIM fellow (2004), and has nearly five years of industry experience on telecom hardware and software development (1993-1997, 1999). Dr. De’s research interests are in communication networks, with emphasis on performance modeling and analysis. Current directions include energy harvesting and sustainable communication networks, broadband wireless access, network coexistence, and smart IoT communications.
Dr. De has published over 220 research articles in top journals and conferences, several book chapters, one edited book. He has one granted, two published, and several filed US/WO/Indian patents. Dr. De’s outstanding technology research highlights include: pioneering proof-of-concept of integrated cellular and ad hoc relaying for load balancing, network layer cooperation, split handover, and cognitive multi-homing techniques for capacity maximizing cellular communications; pioneering experimental demonstration of RF energy routing and optimization of RF energy transfer aided information relaying towards green communications, and fundamental contributions on energy sustainable communications in low-power wireless networks; development of data-driven learning based multi-sensing IoT, which is among top 10 Indian 5G technologies shortlisted by the Indian Department of Telecommunication and is currently under technology trial for commercialization.