Workshop on ComSol Multiphysics Simulation
06 June, 2013

EEE GOLD Affinity Group – Bangladesh Section, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology and COMSOL arranged a a workshop on COMSOL Multiphysics Modeling, on June 19th, 2013 (Wednesday). The workshop was held in Robert Noyce Simulation Laboratory (R-531), ECE Building, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
The workshop included an overview of COMSOL Multiphysics: its capabilities, new features, enhanced functionality, and revamped GUI. A total 38 participants attended the workshop, with 4 IEEE Members, 29 IEEE GOLD Affinity Group members, and 5 graduate students of BUET. Mr. Lakhvinder Singh of ComSol conducted the session.