PES Day Seminar: Can We Really Be Energy-Greener by 2050?

In the light of the 2020 IEEE PES Day Educational Activities Program, IEEE Young Professionals Bangladesh is collaborating with IEEE Bangladesh Section, IEEE BDS HAC & IEEE SIGHT FLASH of IEEE BDS to organize a webinar entitled “Can We Really Be Energy-Greener by 2050?” by Prof. Dr. Nowshad Amin, SMIEEE.
Reserve your spot at the webinar by filling up the form below:
Registration Form
Webinar Abstract:
Undoubtedly, the world is facing unprecedented natural disasters as the consequences of eminent global warming due to excessive usage of fossil fuels. Many developed nations are aligning themselves to alternatives to fossil fuels in their energy roadmap, attributing to the tremendous development of renewable energy resources in recent times. Over the past few decades, solar energy in the form of solar photovoltaics has proven to be the most potential renewable energy resource to date. We have come across solar cells of few generations after being demonstrated first at Bell Labs (with 6% conversion efficiency in 1954) to Giga watt-peak capacity solar farms for electrical power generation. So far, researchers around the world try to find energy harvesting in the form of electricity with many kinds of solar cells starting from inorganic silicon based to organic based ones. This seminar talk will the chronological history of solar cell technologies from inception to successful commercialization to date. This will definitely boost the hope for alternatives amid the imminent energy crisis era besides promoting enthusiasm among new generation as SDG7 of UN.
Dr. Nowshad Amin
Professor, Renewable Energy and Solar Photovoltaics,
Institute of Sustainable Energy (ISE),
Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN@ The Energy University), Malaysia
Dr. Shaikh Anowarul Fattah, PhD (Concordia U, Canada), Postdoc (Princeton U, USA), SMIEEE, FIEB
Professor, Dept. of EEEE & Director, INPE, BUET
Editor, IEEE PES eNewsUpdate
Editorial Board Member, IEEE Access
Associate Editor, CSSP (Springer)
Lead Ediror, IEEE R10 Newsletter
Education Chair, IEEE Humanitarian Activity Committee (HAC)
Dr. Celia Shahnaz, Ph.D. SMIEEE, FIEB
Professor, Department of EEE, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section
Candidate for 2021-22 IEEE Region 10 Director-Elect/Delegate-Elect.
Dr. Sajid Muhaimin Choudhury
Chair, IEEE YP Bangladesh
Event Date: 03 June, 2020 (Wednesday)
Time: 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM
* This webinar is free of cost and is open for all (IEEE and Non- IEEE members)
* Zoom meeting platform will be used for the webinar
* The participants will be able to resolve any queries relevant to the topic in Q/A session at the end.
** E-Certificates Certificates will be issued to the registered participants who attended whole session of webinar**
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