Meet the Young Professionals: Working in Semiconductor Industry
09 September, 2020

IEEE Young Professionals affinity group of IEEE Bangladesh Section presents a talk on the Meet the Young Professional Series. We are happy to have our speakers of the event as Dr. Muhymin Islam, Dr. Sabih U Omar and Dr. Arunodoy Saha. They will give a talk on “Working in the Semiconductor Industry”. The talk will be held on October 03, 2020 at 08:00pm – 09:30pm BDT.
Date: October 03, 2020
Time: 08.00pm – 09:30pm BDT.
Speaker Names and Designations:
Dr. Muhymin Islam, Quality and Reliability Engineer, Intel Corporation, NM, USA.
Dr. Sabih U Omar, Process Integration Engineer,Intel Corporation, OR, USA.
Dr. Arunodoy Saha, Design Engineer, Intel Corporation, HQ, CA USA.
Zoom Meeting ID: 618 7300 4711
Zoom Meeting Password: 397127