Meet the Young Professional: Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed

IEEE Young Professionals affinity group of IEEE Bangladesh Section presents a talk on the Meet the Young Professional Series. We are happy to have our speaker of the event as Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSEE, Marshall University, West Virginia, USA. He will give a talk on “Working in the Areas of Wireless Communications”. The talk will be held on October 10th, 2020 at 09:00pm – 10:00pm BDT.
Date: October 10th, 2020
Time: 09:00pm – 10:00pm BDT.
Speaker Name: Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed
Speaker Designation: Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSEE, Marshall University, West Virginia, USA.
Zoom Meeting ID: 668 4102 0018
Zoom Meeting Password: 415498
Speaker Biography:
Dr. Ahmed completed his PhD in ECE from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. He obtained B.Sc. Engg and M.Sc. Engg. degrees in EEE from BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He currently works as an Assistant Prof. in CSEE at Marshall University, WV, USA. He worked as a wireless systems engineer in Intel Corporation before joining academia. He is an ex-faculty member in the department of EEE, BUET. His research interests include PHY layer design and algorithm development for cellular communication systems.
His hobbies include traveling, self-productivity analysis, and cricket.