“Industry-Academia Collaboration: It’s High Time” – Bangladesh Section

By Bangladesh Young Professionals
IEEE Young Professionals Bangladesh Section in association with Grameenphone Limited organized a seminar titled “Industry-Academia Collaboration: It’s High Time” on 6th April at GP House. The whole program focused on Internet of Things (IoT) which is the next big thing envisaged by the tech industry with the potential for a fourth industrial revolution.
Grameenphone Limited, one of the vanguards of the technological revolution in Bangladesh, partnering with IEEE YP BDS came up with this great initiative of bringing together academia and industry on a common platform to collaborate with each other. Experts on IoT shared their insights with professionals as well as IEEE student members. The esteemed panel of speakers comprised of Dr. Shaikh Anowarul Fattah, Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, BUET; Dr. Md. Farhad Hossain, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, BUET; Dr. Taufiq Hasan, Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, BUET and Dr. Reduan Hasan Khan, Deputy General Manager, Service Operations, Technology, Grameenphone Ltd.
The seminar was very interactive and more engaging with the participants. A total of 35 participants were present, including 20 YP members. From IEEE Bangladesh Section, Dr. Shaikh Anowarul Fattah, Nominations and Appointments Chair; Abdullah Ash-Saki, Student Activity Coordinator; Dr. Mohammad Nasir Uddin, Educational Activity Coordinator and Mohammad Zakaria Haider, Humanitarian Activity Coordinator were present. The chairperson of IEEE Young Professionals Bangladesh Section – Mr. Shams Shad Rafi; Secretary – A R M Abdullah and Membership Development Coordinator – Akib Jobaer Rahman were also present.
The discussion was open to all and everyone shared their views. A number of ideas, problems and the solutions to industry-academia collaboration came up in this seminar. Finally, the program concluded with the closing remarks from Md Munir Hasan, Director, Network Planning, Technology, Grameenphone Ltd and S M Monirul Haque Murad, Service Operation, Technology, Grameenphone Ltd.