IEEE Young Professionals Bangladesh STEP 2017

EEE YP BDS STEP 2017 is developed to provide a dynamic program for facilitating the transition from Student member to young professional by introducing the opportunities and benefits of IEEE membership during the onset of a STEM career and by nourishing their skills to face the real world challenge.
This is the first time IEEE Young Professionals Bangladesh Section is organizing a signature event like Student Transition & Elevation Partnership (STEP). Key focus of this event will be-
1. Skill Development in Microsoft Excel for Beginners.
2. Modern Trend of CV Writing.
3. Necessary skills as an Electrical Engineer to get your first
1. Khawja Ashhad Belal, Manager, Business Analytics, ACI Logistics Limited.
2. Mahmudul Haque Jishan, Planning Executive, Premiaflex Plastics Limited.
3. Nasim Al Islam, Lecturer, Department of EEE & CoE, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB)
*** Event Type: Workshop & Hands-on Demonstration.
*** Target Participants: Final year students & Fresh Graduates (YP members will get a direct entry).
*** Number of Participants: 60 (Will be selected from Phase 1 Registration).
*** Registration Fees: 400 BDT.
*** Certificates will be provided.
*** Registration Link:
Phase 1:
Phase 2: Stay Tuned!!!
Contact Information:
Tanvir Khan 01675183681
Raihanul Haque 01670656470