Day Long Workshop on “Latex” – a document preparation system
06 June, 2013
A Day Long Workshop on Latex was organized by IEEE GOLD Affinity Group & IEEE AIUB Student Branch on Thursday, 20th June, 2013 in AIUB Campus. The goal of the workshop was to introduce Latex, a high quality typesetting system, to the students and walk them through the process so that it becomes user friendly.
The event was graced by the presence of Md. Saniat Rahman Zishan, Asst. Prof. & Special Asst. (OSA), Sayedus Salehin (Faculty of Engineering), Ihteaz Muhaimeen Hossain (Faculty of Engineering).
The event was started by Laila Nawsheen Manzoor (Faculty of Engineering), who introduced the guests and then handed over to the first guest speaker, Shuvro Chowdhury, Vice Chair, GOLD Affinity Group, IEEE BD Section.
Shuvro Chowdhury started out by giving an overview of IEEE GOLD Bangladesh Chapter and its formation and further stretched on the values of IEEE GOLD. And then gave a brief overview on the history of LaTex and its merits compared to other softwares. He then introduced the software to the students and helped them get familiarize with the different features of Latex.
The second guest speaker was Asif Ahmed, Treasurer, GOLD Affinity Group, IEEE BD Section, who talked about ‘Compiling a Simple Latex file’ where he introduced a Latex code, processing of Latex Document, introduced special characters on Latex, different commands writing and also implementation of different mathematical equations. Basically, he walked the students through the process of using the software.
The third guest speaker was Shahadat Hassan Sohel, Secretary, GOLD Affinity, IEEE BD Section, who gave an introduction to scientific writing – its purpose, audience, structure and content. He gave a thorough overview on writing a thesis book – starting from title, author, abstract to results, discussion and conclusion.
The fourth guest speaker of the event was Sajid Muhaimin Choudhury, Chair, GOLD Affinity Group, IEEE BD Section, who discussed about ‘Citation and Referencing’. He discussed about the need to cite, when to cite reference, how to handle larger number of references and how to make references on Latex. He also tutored briefly on Bibtex, a reference management software that complements Latex documents by managing bibliography and references. He finally called off the workshop by giving an excellent overview of the scene.
Proceedings went on as is customary at such events with food provided during the lunch break. At the end of the workshop certificates were given out to the attendees of the event by Sajid Muhaimin Choudhury and Shahadat Hassan Sohel. Finally Md. Abdur Rahman, Counselor of IEEE AIUB SB, Assistant Professor and Head (Undergraduate Program) of EEE department, handed over AIUB gift hampers and Certificates to the honorable speakers of the workshop. He gave the closing remarks by expressing his utmost esteem to the guests for their valuable time and effort in the program, and to the IEEE AIUB Student Branch Executive members and the volunteers for their tireless effort to make the event successful.