Keynote Speakers

Prof. Dr. Azeddine Beghdadi
Quality Driven Video Surveillance System
10:20pm-10:40pm, 26th-27th May 2022
Security and monitoring systems are increasingly being deployed to control and prevent abnormal events especially in situational awareness applications before irreversible damages occur including national security, deaths and infrastructure destructions but to name a few. For example, the security and protection of airports, national infrastructures, and private or public services require cost effective solutions for use both in low or high risk environments. Such solutions would lead to increased security levels thus resulting in higher societal and economic impact. With the continuous rapid development of high-performance computing tools and technologies and the availability of cost-effective distributed sensor nodes Video-surveillance is currently experiencing a rather spectacular turning point, and particularly with the renewed interest in artificial intelligence and in particular approaches based on machine learning paradigm. One of the most challenging problem in video-surveillance is how to control the quality of the acquired signal. Indeed, video-based surveillance systems often suffer from poor-quality video and especially in uncontrolled environment which may induce several types of distortions such as noise, uneven illumination, blur, saturation and atmospheric degradations. This may strongly affect the performance of high-level tasks such as visual tracking, abnormal event detection or more generally scene understanding and interpretation. This talk will focus on the most important tasks and difficulties related to the perceptual quality of the acquired or transmitted images/videos in uncontrolled environments. I will discuss some challenges, solutions, preliminary results, and promising avenues to move towards completely intelligent end-to-end systems.
Dr. Azeddine BEGHDADI is Full Professor at University Sorbonne Paris Nord since 2000. He is the founding member of the Laboratory of Information Processing and Transmission (L2TI laboratory) and was its director from 2010 to 2016. Dr. Beghdadi is the founder and Steering Committee Chair of the European Workshop on Visual Information Processing (EUVIP). Dr Beghdadi started his education at ENS Polytechnique and the Institute of Physics at University Es Senia (Oran,Algeria). He joined the graduate engineering school ENSTelecom in Paris in 1980. He received Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies in Optics and Signal Processing from University Paris-Saclay in June 1983 and the PhD in Optics and Signal Processing from Sorbonne University Pierre and Marie in June 1986. Dr. Beghdadi worked at different places, including « Laboratoire d’Optique des Solides » (CNRS, Sorbonne University) and LPMTM CNRS Laboratory (University Sorbonne Paris Nord). He has co-authored more than 300 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers including 6 best paper awards and has given over 30 invited and plenary talks. He supervised more than 40 PhD/Post-Doc and around 35 master students His research interests include image/video quality enhancement and assessment, bio-inspired models for image analysis and processing, and physics-based image analysis and processing. Dr Beghdadi is associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, “Signal processing : Image Communication”, Journal, Elsevier, European journal on image and video processing, Springer Verlag, and Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Journal, Hindawi. He also served on the editorial board of the Journal of Electronic Imaging, SPIE Digital Library (2018-2020). He served as conference chair, technical chair and area chair of more than 15 international conferences. He has been involved in more than 10 major research projects as principal or co-principal investigator leader. He also served as session organizer and a member of the organizing and technical committees in several IEEE conferences. Dr Beghdadi is an elected member of IEEE-MMSP TC and an elected member of EURASIP VIP-TAC. He is a senior member of IEEE, EURASIP member and IEEE-MMTC member.
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Dr. Faisal Bashir
Sr Principal Technology Integration Engineer, Strategic TechnologiesMedtronic Surgical Robotics, Boston, USA
Email: [email protected]
Computer Vision & Machine Learning in Video Surveillance: Applications in Homeland Security, Biometrics, Robotics and Retail Loss Prevention
10:20pm-10:40pm, 26th-27th May 2022
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Dr. Faisal Bashir obtained his PhD in Computer Engineering from University of Illinois at Chicago in 2006. Prior to that, he graduated from University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore Pakistan in 2000. Dr. Bashir’s dissertation was focused on computer vision and machine learning with applications in Multimedia content as well as video surveillance. Dr. Bashir led the development of a long range biometrics system capable of tracking multiple humans and performing facial and iris biometrics at up to 10 meters stand-off distance. Dr. Bashir developed the computer vision subsystem of a humanoid robot to assist humans on the assembly line. Dr. Bashir has over 12 years of industry experience working in the homeland security industry for checked baggage and checkpoint threat detection from Computed Tomography (CT) scans. He led the Machine Learning team that achieved the first-in-industry certification of a CT-based explosive detection system for checkpoint screening. Currently, Dr. Bashir is a researcher in the Surgical Robotics division of Medtronic, the world’s largest medical device manufacturer. Dr. Bashir holds 5 patents and 20+ publications.

Dr. Haroon Yousuf
Director, Swarm Robotics Lab, National Centre of Robotics and Automation Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila, Pakistan
Email: [email protected]
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10:20pm-10:40pm, 26th-27th May 2022
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Muhammad Haroon Yousaf is currently working as a Professor of Computer Engineering at University of Engineering and Technology Taxila. He is the Director/Principal Investigator of Swarm Robotics Lab under National Centre of Robotics & Automation (NCRA). Currently, he is also looking after the Office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC) as Director. He holds his Ph.D. in Computer Vision from UET Taxila. He is actively involved in computer vision research particularly in the areas of object detection, object recognition, scene understanding, action/activity recognition and multi-modal recognition. He has active research collaboration in UK, Germany and South Africa. He has supervised around 30 M.Sc. research thesis and 03 PhD scholars. Currently, he is supervising/co-supervising 06 Ph.D. students. He has published several papers in international conferences and journals. He is also working as Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems on Video Technology (TCSVT), and Academic Editor of Mathematical Problems in Engineering journal. He is the recipient of Best University Teacher Award by Higher Education Commission for the years 2012-2013.
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10:20pm-10:40pm, 26th-27th May 2022
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Dr. Ayesha Hakim has a PhD in Computer Science from Massey University, New Zealand. She joined Massey University as IT Specialist for Massey Genome Services. She moved to the University of Auckland as Research Specialist and then joined Waikato Institute of Technology (WINTEC) as a Lecturer in Computer Science. She moved to Pakistan in 2018 where she is currently an Assistant Professor and Chair of Computer Science at MNS-University of Agriculture, Multan. Her research interests include shape and audio analaysis and she is currently working on developing computational systems for insect-pest surveillance, identification and control using AI and IoT applications.

Dr. Habib Mehmood
Dr. Muhammad Habib MahmoodAI Team Lead, Assistant Professor, Dept ECE, Air University, Pakistan
Email: [email protected]
Person re-identification in Multi-Camera systems and Aerial View Surveillance for building damage assessment in disaster hit areas
10:20pm-10:40pm, 26th-27th May 2022
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Dr.Suryo Adhi Wibowo
Object detection-based model exploration for autonomous vehicle and drone
10:20pm-10:40pm, 26th-27th May 2022
Rapid technological developments coupled with increasingly widespread 5G connectivity affect the implementation of technology in more sophisticated fields such as automated vehicles and unmaned aerial vehicles (drones). The characteristics of autonomous vehicles and drones are significantly different, especially for object detection problems. Furthermore, a reliable object detection algorithm is needed so that autonomous vehicles and drones can work properly according to their applications. In this speech, object detection-based exploration models for autonomous vehicles and drones will be presented.
Suryo Adhi Wibowo received Bachelor Degree and Master Degree of Telecommunication Engineering from Telkom University, Rep. of. Indonesia, in 2009 and 2012, respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree in Intelligent System from Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Pusan National University, Rep. of. Korea. He joined Telkom University since 2010 until present, He is an Assistant Professor at the School of Electrical Engineering, Telkom University, Rep. of. Indonesia. He has also served the Head of Image Processing and Vision Laboratory since June 2018 and the Head of Telkom University Center of Excellence for Artificial Intelligence since January 2022. His research interests are: artificial intelligence, deep learning, intelligent vision, pattern recognition and virtual reality.